Mechatronics Competency Model
The Berks and Lancaster County Workforce Investment Boards worked with Reading Area Community College and other community and technical colleges around the country to define the skill standards, the curriculum, and career paths that lead to a mechatronics engineering technologist. In collaboration with the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) the results of those efforts were formatted into a competency model for the Mechatronics Industry. The validation of the work of this partnership and the model through the sponsorship of the Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute (PMMI) connects this field with the packaging industry, a multi-billion dollar industry worldwide needing workers with a sophisticated skill set. PMMI has committed to working with its partners to keep the model up-to-date.
In 2017, the model was revised to incorporate foundational workplace health and safety skills from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health's (NIOSH) Safe • Skilled • Ready Workforce Program designed to help protect America's workforce and create safe, healthy, and productive workplaces. The updated CMC competencies were reviewed and validated by subject matter experts identified by PMMI.
Mechatronics is the synergistic application of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, controls engineering, and computer science to make useful products. It emphasizes troubleshooting of automated machinery with a systems point of view. For more information, download the Summary of Changes.