Building Blocks Model
To ensure that the Building Blocks model reflects the foundational knowledge and skills needed by today's workforce, ETA conducted a review of the 22 industry models in the Clearinghouse and analyzed the various changes our industry partners have made to Tiers 1-3 over time. Based on this review, the Building Blocks model was updated in 2014 to ensure those competencies accurately reflect the workforce needs of industry. As part of this update, ETA also reviewed other competency frameworks, including the Department of Education's Employability Skills Framework and the National Network of Business and Industry Associations' Common Employability Skills to meet the industry's needs.
The updated model features new information on Sustainable Practices and Health and Safety. It also includes a revised Basic Computer Skills competency block and updated key behaviors in many competency areas, as well as changes designed to promote equitable access to jobs for all jobseekers.
In 2017, the model was revised again to incorporate foundational workplace health and safety skills from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health's (NIOSH) Safe • Skilled • Ready Workforce Program designed to help protect America's workforce and create safe, healthy, and productive workplaces. The updated CMC competencies were reviewed and validated by subject matter experts from NIOSH and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
With rapid changes in technology in the workplace, the Basic Computer Skills competency block was further revised and expanded in 2024 to reflect the importance of digital skills in the workplace – and the scope of digital skills workers need – have continued to grow. The updated skills were based on ETA’s gap analysis comparing the Building Blocks Model and a comparison group of digital skills frameworks. For a more detailed description of the changes, download the Summary of Changes.
The industry model frameworks are based on the Building Blocks competency model and then modified to meet industry needs. Scroll down to view the Building Blocks, or select an industry model from the left menu.
Download the industry model and worksheets in several formats
Generic Building Blocks Competency Model