Hospitality, Tourism, and Events Competency Model
The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) has worked with the National Travel and Tourism Office of the Department of Commerce and with technical and subject matter experts from education, business, and industry to develop a comprehensive competency model for the Hospitality, Tourism, and Events industry. The model identifies the knowledge, skills, and abilities that provide a foundation for industry workers, as well as competencies specific to key sectors. While the model seeks to cover all workers in the industry, it is not intended that each worker possess all of the competencies listed. The model is rather a compilation of competencies that can be included as a basis for preparation in a Hospitality, Tourism, and Events occupation.
The American Hotel and Lodging Educational Institute; American Society of Travel Advisors; The Broadmoor Hotel; Destination Marketing Association International; International Association of Exhibitions and Events; Madison Area Technical College; National Concierge Association; National Federation of Tourist Guides Association; Purdue University College of Health and Human Sciences; and Richland College provided input to development of the model. The International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE) and Madison Area Technical College have committed to providing technical assistance related to the model and to working with their industry partners to ensure that the model evolves to accommodate changing skill requirements.
In 2017, the model was revised again to incorporate foundational workplace health and safety skills from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health's (NIOSH) Safe • Skilled • Ready Workforce Program designed to help protect America's workforce and create safe, healthy, and productive workplaces. The updated CMC competencies were reviewed and validated by subject matter experts identified by the IAEE. For more information, download the Summary of Changes.