How To Crosswalk Competency Models for Curriculum Development
Are you a community college educator or workforce development trainer seeking to develop curricula that will truly prepare your students with the competencies they need to successfully meet the employer requirements in your local labor market? If so, welcome to the "How to Crosswalk Competency Models for Curriculum Development" video series. It shares the real-life experiences of your peers who have successfully used the competency models on the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration's (ETA) Competency Model Clearinghouse (CMC) https://www.careeronestop.org/CompetencyModel/ to develop quality curricula that reflect employer input and align with industry-based credentials.
The series is organized in seven parts:
- How to Crosswalk Competency Models for Curriculum Development: Welcome, featuring Janet Sperstad, CMP, from Madison Area Technical College, provides an overview of the video series.
- Walkthrough the Competency Model
Clearinghouse, live screencast introduces the CMC by showcasing all current industry models; explaining the nine model tiers; and identifying current resources and worksheets.
- Using Competencies in Curriculum Development, featuring Marsha Flanagan, M.Ed., from International Association of Exhibitions and Events and M.T. Hickman, CMP, CPECP, CTA, from Dallas College (formerly known as Richland College), addresses the respective values of using competencies in developing curriculum for students, employers and education/training providers.
- Alignment of Industry Based Credentials Competencies with Academic Curriculum Ivy Tech Community College demonstrates how aligning the CMC competencies and embedding industry-based credentials with proposed and current academic competencies strengthens and helps to validate the curriculum. Hear from Matt Gull, Department Chair; Violet Hawkins, Dean; Matthew Cloud, Department Chair/Associate Professor, and Alf Sanford, Professor, from Ivy Tech’s Business and School of IT.
- Employer Engagement and Input describes Sinclair Community College's employment engagement strategy for curriculum development relative to course approval, student learning outcomes, selection of industry-based credentials and proposed competencies. The video features Christina Amato, Dean of E-Learning, and Kyle Jones, Department Chair - Computer Science and Information Technology.
- Development of Programmatic Curriculum discusses how M.T. Hickman, from Dallas College (formerly known as Richland College), Kyle Jones, from Sinclair Community College, and Matt Cloud, from Ivy Tech Community College completed or revised the new competency-based curriculum, incorporating employer feedback on requisite content and utilizing the CMC worksheets and guides.
- Stacking the Deck for Students, closes the series by highlighting educators, Gregory Kremer and Cody Petitt, at Ohio University who have adopted the competency models into work-based learning. The Stacking the Deck program consists of a set of cards and other tools that help students both learn and document gained competencies throughout their education. The resource is based off the Engineering Competency Model. Local industry champions of the Stacking the Deck program, including Damon Givens from Cargill, indicate it will assist with providing their talent needs. Hear from students, Alex Shambrock and Sam Morales who have recently completed the program and discuss how it has impacted their learning.
In summary, there's no need to 'reinvent the wheel'. Instead, benefit from the experiences of your peers to utilize this competency-based framework to enrich your curricula; improve your student outcomes; and strengthen your relationships with area employers.