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Competency-based Curriculum Video Series

How to Crosswalk Competency Models for Curriculum Development: Welcome


Janet Sperstad, CMP, Faculty Director at Madison Area Technical College


Janet Sperstad, Madison Area Technical College, Wisconsin

Welcome to the Competency Model Clearinghouse How to Models for Curriculum Development.

Throughout this video series, you will hear real world examples of how colleges, workforce development boards, industry associations, and employers use the competency model clearinghouse to develop curriculum to create relevant education and training programs to meet the demands of the current workforce.

To hear more from your peers on "How to Crosswalk Competency Models with Curriculum", visit the Competency Model Clearinghouse. Click on Get Started at


Thanks to the International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE) and their Expo!Expo! staff for use of their conference space and content for this video.

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