Welcome to the Competency Model Clearinghouse User Guides
The Competency Model Clearinghouse User Guides are designed to assist users in developing and utilizing competency models. Guides contain background information, resources, and recommendations. The Guides can be used in conjunction with other Competency Model Clearinghouse tools. For more information, see the FAQs about the User Guides. Links to the guides are available below.
The User Guides also provide instructions on how to use the new Competency Model Clearinghouse worksheets. These worksheets assist users in accomplishing the tasks listed, and are available for download from the industry models page. For more information on worksheets, click on the guides below.
Developing Competency Models
Competency Models
Learn about competency model basics, ETA's Building Blocks framework, and how to collaborate to develop a competency model.
Applying Competency Models
Communicate Workforce Needs
Use competency models to communicate the needs of your organization or industry.
Identify Credential Competencies
Develop or update a certification, license, or assessment using competency models.
Develop Curriculum
Use competency models to assess or develop a curriculum.
Perform Human Resources Activities
Measure worker performance, assess training needs, and select or recruit workers using competency models.
Career Exploration and Guidance
View the competencies needed in selected industries to help determine which career is right for you.