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Work Opportunity Tax Credit
Want to help someone find much-needed employment while reducing your federal income tax liability? The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a federal tax credit incentive that benefits both employers and qualified workers.
WOTC helps targeted employees move from economic dependency to self-sufficiency while earning a steady income and becoming contributing taxpayers. Benefits to the hiring business include:
- You make the final hiring decision on candidates presented.
- Minimal paperwork is needed to claim the tax credit.
- You can hire as many qualified employees as you need.
- Hire from several qualified groups, including veterans.
Learn more about WOTC
To help you learn more about WOTC, the following brochures and fact sheets are available from the U.S. Department of Labor:
WOTC Program Brochure for Employers
WOTC Veterans Brochure for Employers
WOTC Fact Sheet (includes state WOTC contact information)
Have questions about the WOTC or other workforce issues? Contact your local American Job Center to connect with a Business Services Representative or other resources that can help.