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Compare Skill Requirements
When your business objectives change, the skill requirements of your workforce change as well. To meet this challenge, you need to know what skills will be needed and what this means for your overall talent management.
Compare different jobs
As you analyze your needs, you may find you need to train—or hire—employees to do entirely new jobs. The Compare Occupations tool identifies skill gaps between different jobs and also helps you locate local training options to fill gaps. It can help you:
- Assess employee skill sets in light of emerging opportunities
- Determine hiring, training, and compensation requirements
- Increase retention through targeted employee development
Compare Occupations provides valuable data in the following areas:
Salary differences. Identifies mid-range salaries for jobs both nationally and locally. Useful for job analysis and compensation.
Common skills across jobs. Explains what skills are common to different jobs. Helpful for assessing current capabilities.
Skill gaps. Indicates when a job requires a higher level of skills, and where to find training to develop those skills.
Level of training. Explains level of training needed (high-school diploma, two-year degree, etc.), and where to find training.
Licensing. Indicates whether a license is required, and links to licensing agencies both nationally and in your local area.
Certification. Indicates whether certification is available, links to certification options both nationally and in your local area.
Need help with skills planning and other workforce issues? Contact your local American Job Center to connect with a Business Services Representative or other resources that can help.