Banner: Other information

Other information

Other information

Other information sample

This is an optional, miscellaneous category. You can list your professional memberships, publications, community involvement, or make up a category - as long as it relates to your job goal.

Maya highlights her professional association memberships:

Professional Associations

To use this section well:

  • The heading depends on the information you want to include. For example, if you have received awards relevant to your job target, you could create a section named “Special Awards”.
  • You can have more than one heading in “Other" - just make a heading for each one. For example, Professional Associations, and Volunteer Work.
  • As with the continuing education section, list information in order of importance. To emphasize this credential, Maya lists the Project Management Institute first.
  • Relevance to your job goal is the key. You may have placed well in a 10K race, but unless your career requires physical fitness, leave it off your resume.