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Resume FAQs

Resume FAQs

Resume FAQs

I keep sending out my resume, but nothing is happening. Any tips?

Your resume may need to do a better job selling your strengths. Here are some great resume writing strategies to make your resume stronger. Also, you may need more effective marketing ideas.

Should I include an objective? I've heard conflicting opinions.

Career experts differ on the need for an objective. But if you do use one, make sure it's directed to the employer, and specific, not self-serving, or general. For a good example, see the first draft page.

I've read that most employers prefer a chronological format. Should I use one?

Employers want to see your employment history, so always include it. However, if your work history isn't the strongest selling point, a chronological format may not be your best approach. Learn what format is right for you.

I've just created a LinkedIn profile. Do I still need a resume?

Yes. While it's true that your LinkedIn profile is similar to a resume, and that you can even convert your profile to a resume - you still need a traditional resume. Learn why.

Where can I find good examples of resumes?

Try Googling "resume samples", and find resume books with examples in libraries, American Job Centers, and college career centers. And view a walk-through sample and other samples to see different formats and occupations.

I'm in the process of changing careers. What does this mean for my resume?

You'll need to convince employers that what you've done in the past relates to their needs. Learn how to identify your transferable skills and communicate your accomplishments.

Is it okay to use a testimonial in my resume, or is that inappropriate?

Your resume is a sales document that sells you, so a testimonial can work well. Be sure to ask for permission first. To see a testimonial that's been integrated into a resume, view the top portion of this sample resume.

I'm trying to fit my resume onto one page and it's not working. Any advice?

You may need to use two pages, which is quite acceptable for experienced professionals. In fact, if using one page is making your resume crowded and hard to read, your resume may get passed over for that reason. Just be sure it's all necessary. See our guidelines on designing your resume.

I've heard it's good to have a plain-text resume. How do I make one?

A plain-text resume, also sometimes called an ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) resume, may be required when a resume site or applicant tracking system can't read your Word-formatted resume. For instructions and a sample, see this section on resume design, and these tips on getting your resume past an applicant tracking system.