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Posting job openings on online job boards or job banks can get your positions in front of millions of job seekers. But it can also require substantial HR time to post, manage, and maintain online job postings.
Streamline your job posting process by posting to a few relevant job boards. Consider also the two options below.
State job banks
Contact your state job bank to post your job for free. All employers can post jobs free to their own state job bank, but note that registration, validation, and posting times may vary by state.
NLx from the National Labor Exchange (NLX)
NLx collects and distributes job openings from more than 9,000 company websites and from the state job banks. NLx is sponsored by the National Labor Exchange (NLX), a public-private partnership between DirectEmployers Association and the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA). Learn more at NLx or see Three Options to Post Jobs on NLx.
Need help using job banks or with other workforce issues? Contact your local American Job Center to connect with a Business Services Representative or other resource.