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Hire a Vet

Hire a Vet

Looking for highly skilled, dedicated job candidates?

Many studies have shown that veterans are more productive and have higher retention rates than similar candidates without military experience. Emploer oftn reort that veteran have:

  • Proven leadership skills
  • A focus on mission, which translates to a focus on getting the job done
  • Experience working with a team
  • An accelerated learning curve
  • Strong work ethic
  • An ability to work well under pressure
  • Creative initiative
  • Integrity

Two steps to hiring qualified veterans

Follow these two simple steps to meet your hiring needs:

  1. Begin by posting your job opening on your state job bank. Follow the instructions on your state job bank website to post jobs.
  2. Next, contact a Veterans Employment Representative at an American Job Center. Let them know you want to hire a veteran. They may ask for details of your job listing(s). They will be able to help you identify qualified veterans.

Translate military skills

Many veterans have specific skills that can be put to good use in your workplace. To learn about military occupations that may share skills and work experience with the jobs you're hiring for, visit the Civilian-to-Military Occupation Translator.

What about tax incentives?

You may also be eligible for a tax incentive for hiring a veteran. Read about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) Vow to Hire Heroes provisions.

Already employ veterans?

You may qualify for the U.S. Department of Labor's HIRE Vets Medallion Award, a program that recognizes small businesses, non-profit organizations, and large companies for their leadership in recruiting, employing, and retaining veterans.

Learn more

View the Employer Guide to Hire Veterans, from the USDOL Veterans' Employment & Training Service.

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