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Follow-up after interview
The interview itself is over, but the process is not! Follow-up steps can make a big impact.
Immediately after the interview, you should send a thank you note or e-mail to your interviewer/s.
You should also take some time to evaluate your responses and make notes for future interviews: Did you answer the questions appropriately? Did you get stumped? Did the interviewer seem especially focused on a certain aspect of your experience or career?
Many interviews are multi-stage, so it is possible that you’ll be going back to this employer to interview again. Leave a positive impression with your follow-up.
Thank you notes
Write a thank you note soon after the interview, the same day is best. You can hand write this note, type a more formal business letter, or send a formal e-mail. E-mails are best if a decision will be made quickly.
Briefly include anything you forgot, or wish you had said in the interview. You can reinforce important points you provided in the interview, state your interest in the job, and let the employer know you appreciate their time. Thank you notes should be brief and to the point.
Sample thank you note
Dear Mr. Williams:
Thank you for the opportunity to interview with you yesterday. The information you shared with me about Washington Mutual Bank is helpful in understanding the impact of loan officers to your overall mission.
I am excited about the possibility of applying my education and experience to this position with your bank. The expansion and public lending plans are especially intriguing and I look forward to helping the bank enter the new market.
If I can provide you with any additional information, please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Charles Henderson
(916) 999-9999