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Find local resources and information to find a job, obtain unemployment benefits, or get contacts to help with next steps.
American Job Center Finder
Locate an American Job Center in your neighborhood or across the country.
Veterans Job Matcher
Find civilian jobs in your local area that relate to your military experience.
Job Finder
Search for a job right now by entering a job and location in search.
Salary Finder
Get information on what people earn in more than 800 different types of careers.
Skills Matcher
Rate your levels on 40 key workplace skills, and get a list of careers that match your ratings.
Business Finder
Search in your area for businesses that might be hiring, or for social services that could provide help you need.
Unemployment Benefits Finder
Learn how and where to apply for unemployment benefits in your state.
State Resource Finder
Select your state to access job search help, resources for housing, food assistance, legal advice, vital records, and more.