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Thinking about starting a business? You can get help from a Small Business Development Center.
SBDCs offer free business advising, mentoring, and training classes to help people build businesses. They offer specialized programs for veterans.
Locate an SBDC near you to learn more about their services, which may include:
There are nearly 1,000 local SBDCs throughout the United States. The program is a collaboration of the U.S. Small Business Administration, state and local governments, and private sector partners.
You can also look into these specialized services for veteran entrepreneurs:
- The SBA has 15 organizations that serve as Veterans Business Outreach Centers. These sites provide services such as business training, counseling and mentoring, and referrals for eligible veterans who own or are considering starting a small business.
- The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs offers the Veteran Entrepreneur Portal to quickly connect with information on topics such as accessing financing, business growth strategies, federal government contract opportunities for businesses, and more.
- Women veterans can access Women’s Business Centers, designed specifically to assist women in starting and growing small businesses.
- You may be able to use your veteran education benefits to pay for training to start or enhance your business, offered through the SBDCs. Find out if you might be eligible to use your GI Bill benefits for this training.
Boots to Business Reboot is an extension of the Boots to Business (B2B) entrepreneurial education and training program offered by the SBA as part of the U.S. Department of Defense Transition Assistance Program (TAP). While B2B is offered on military installations, B2B Reboot extends the program off the installation and offers access to veterans of all eras, National Guard and Reserve, and military spouses via online and in-person course options.