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Start with career clusters to help choose your career direction.
Career clusters are groups of related types of work. They give you an easy way to explore different kinds of jobs within one broad category. Start with one of the clusters—like health care or construction—to learn what it involves, current trends, and the different careers it offers.
It’s often easier to change jobs and advance within a career cluster. Identifying with a cluster can help you build your career and choose credentials—such as a college degree, specialized training, or certifications—that will qualify you for a variety of different, but related, jobs.
What's the difference between a career cluster and an industry?
Industries are groups of businesses that have related activities or products. Where career clusters include a variety of careers that share similar knowledge, skills, and interests, industries include many unrelated careers. The career cluster / industry pages show the industries and types of organizations that typically employ workers in each career cluster.
Learn about these key career cluster / industry groups and see related careers for each:
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Architecture and Construction
Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications
Business Management and Administration
Education and Training
Government and Public Administration
Health Science
Hospitality and Tourism
Human Services
Information Technology
Law, Public Safety, and Corrections
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics