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A skills assessment can help you identify your top skills.
Your skills are the things you do well. Workplace skills are skills that help you do your job well. This might include writing, problem solving, data entry, helping people—or anything else you might do on a job.
Ready to identify your skills?
Visit the Skills Matcher where you can:
- Rate your current skill level in 40 areas
- Create a list of your strongest skills, with skill definitions
- Learn which careers match your skills
Highlight your skills to help your job search
Workplace skills are one of the top ways that you can qualify for a job. Employers look at your skills as a way to understand how well you would be able to do a job. Some employers say that skills are their top factor in hiring decisions. Employers are often looking for two main types of skills: technical skills and soft skills.
If you can identify your technical and soft skills, you can describe them to an employer. You’ll be able to write a clearer and stronger resume. And you’ll be able to answer important questions at job interviews such as “What can you do for my organization?” and “What problems can you solve?”
Technical skills
Technical skills are skills that have to do with accomplishing specific tasks. These skills usually relate to one particular occupation. You most often learn technical skills through classes or other formal training. Examples of technical skills include:
- Cooking
- Data analysis
- Using specific production equipment
- Computer programming languages
- Bookkeeping
- Graphic design
- Writing
- Using point-of-sale equipment
Soft skills
Soft skills are sometimes called personal skills or work-readiness skills. They include things like being able to communicate well, start work on time, and follow through on tasks. Soft skills are often learned in everyday life, but you can study and practice them also. Once you have strong soft skills, you can apply them in almost any job, And you can continue to improve them at any time in your career. Examples of soft skills are:
- Listens well
- Punctual
- Calm under pressure
- Detail oriented
- Problem solving ability
- Cooperative
- Enthusiastic