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Getting a job takes effort. Make the most of your hard work by following through to keep it.
Here are some basic tips to being successful at work:
Stick to your schedule. Go to work and be on time every day you are scheduled. Try for perfect attendance.
Follow the rules. Follow company policies about safety, dress code, break times, and other guidelines.
Make it a priority to get along with co-workers and supervisors. If you have a problem, seek out a positive solution through your supervisor or Human Resources department.
Dress appropriately. Ask your supervisor what's appropriate. Also, notice what successful co-workers are wearing.
Learn all you can from the job, co-workers and leaders. Show an interest in improving your job skills and take training if it's available.
Act professionally. This means:
- Don't make personal phone calls or send personal e-mails during work time.
- Don't use company equipment, such as the copier or computers, for your own tasks.
- Don't use curse words or slang, or speak too casually to customers or your boss.
- Never use alcohol or illegal drugs at work.
- Don't sleep on the job or go to work exhausted and unable to do your best.
Outside of work hours, you can do a few simple things to keep your career on track.
Maintain positive habits and sobriety. Seek out contacts and support groups in the community that will help you practice a healthy lifestyle.
Pay attention to the money you earn and spend. Ask someone for help with a budget if you haven't been successful managing your money in the past.
Think about career goals. Visit Explore careers to get started.
Find ways to increase your skills. Get started at Get training.
Meet positive people to add to your network of contacts.