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Check out these selected resources from the U.S. Department of Labor as you “Get Ready” to launch your recruitment and hiring efforts.
Finding the right employees to fill the right positions at the right time can be challenging! The RExO Program provides a talent pipeline that is ready to quickly address your needs. In the local areas served through the RExO Program, Faith-Based and Community Organizations (FBCOs) supply comprehensive and coordinated services to previously incarcerated men, women, and adjudicated youth that help support your hiring, training, and retention requirements. These programs typically provide assistance in three areas:
DOL grantees offer job training and placement services in coordination with business, local American Job Centers (formerly, One-Stop Career Centers), educational institutions, and other employment providers. Partnering with these entities, Faith-Based and Community Organizations supply participants with work-readiness, soft skills training, mentoring, job placement or referral for job placement, and post-placement support.
Vocational Training and Educational Interventions
Opportunities for education attainment and industry-recognized certifications are essential in order to improve employment opportunities for individuals with past criminal involvement. Grantees conduct assessments and work with participants to create individual development plans that connect participants to continuing education services (either towards the attainment of a high school diploma, GED, an Associate's, or Bachelor's degree). Grantees partner with adult education agencies, community colleges, and other education providers to offer training, based on participants’ needs and interests. As a result, participants gain access to advanced vocational training with the goal of attaining industry-recognized credentials, particularly in high-growth, high-demand fields in the local economy and the "green" industry.
DOL grantees often provide post-release mentoring and other services essential for reintegration of the men, women, and youth returning from incarceration. Participants are matched with appropriate mentors who are primarily responsible for supporting returnees in the community and the workplace. Mentors offer support, guidance, and assistance with the many challenges faced by this population. This support mirrors business networking—a skill that is critical in today’s business environment.
Recruitment & Hiring 101
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Job Description Writer
Creating job descriptions that accurately reflect responsibilities and required skill sets.
Walk through a step-by-step process of building meaningful job descriptions. Get started by entering an occupation and a state.
Interviews that Get Results
Conducting stellar interviews that yield promising results.
Review quick tips for preparing and conducting effective interviews.
Research Salaries
Learning how to set salary levels.
Acquire average wage information for more than 800 occupations. See how wages compare in your local area, your state, or across the nation.
Contract or Temp Workers
Discovering the best strategies on hiring contractors or consultants.
Learn the differences between the terms, “independent contractor” and “temporary hires” and the benefits of tapping into these options.
Training & Certifications
Ever wondered how to navigate through the world of employee training and certifications? Ever thought about the availability of financial assistance to help defray the costs? Check out the following resources. When you talk with RExO grantees or other service providers, you can ask them about specific certifications by occupation and industry and whether through your participation, you qualify for cost-saving training options.
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Certification Finder
Finding the most current certifications in your industry.
Identifies certifications by occupation or industry.
Funding Employee Training
Identifying subsidized training sources.
Introduces state and Federal grant programs, the Work Opportunity Tax Credit, on-the-job training options, and more.