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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder

Search more than 9,500 scholarships, fellowships, grants, and other financial aid award opportunities. You can:

  • Look through the whole list of scholarships below, arranged in order of closest deadline
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Scholarship sponsors may change their deadlines and eligibility criteria without notifying CareerOneStop, so be sure to confirm the most current guidelines by checking the scholarship website.

We found 6 awards.
Results Filtered by:
Level of Study - Professional Development
Where You Live - Ohio
Award Name Level Of Study Award Type Award Amount Deadline
American Occupational Therapy Foundation
Purposes: To support students enrolled in a occupational therapy assistant programs.
Graduate Degree
Professional Development
McCleery Law Firm
At McCleery Law Firm, we believe that the integrity of the American system of justice depends on meaningful access to liberty and justice for all not simply for those with greater financial resources.
As part of that mission, we believe it is our ethical and professional responsibility to identify individuals who are in need of skilled assistance in protecting these integral rights, and to support and encourage future generations of legal professionals in this important responsibility. While this may not be a full ride scholarship, we believe small law school grants and scholarships like these are valuable. They afford an opportunity for financial assistance and a start to a resume filled with accolades.
For this years scholarship contest, we are asking law students to submit an essay describing a meaningful volunteer experience and what you learned from it. Additionally, how will you apply to your future legal career?
Graduate Degree
Professional Development
Ohioana Library Association
Purposes: To recognize an author under 30 years of age who has not had a book published.
Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
High School
Professional Development
Miami County Retired Teachers Association
Purposes: To support students with their studies.
Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
High School
Professional Development
Ohio Student Financial Aid Programs
Purposes: Collection of state grants and scholarships available to qualified students.
Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
High School
Professional Development
Public Grant
Parkersburg Area Community Foundation
Purposes: To support women working to complete their education or pursue additional training.
Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
Professional Development
Per Page