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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Sue Walicki Nursing Scholarships
Jackson Community Foundation
100 S Jackson St., Ste. 206B
Jackson, MI 49201
Phone Number (517)787-1321
Level of Study Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
Professional Development
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To assist graduating seniors from Jackson County high schools and other Jackson County residents who are attending college.
Focus Nursing.
Qualifications Applicant must be a Jackson County resident; must be graduating high school senior, previous recipient, student already enrolled in and taking undergraduate classes, returning learner, student planning to attend graduate school, student already enrolled in graduate school planning to start, continue, or advance education in the field of nursing or a nursing-related field (such as a Nurse Practitioner, Mid-Wife, or Nurse Anesthetist); must be enrolled full- or part-time at an accredited Michigan college or university; must have financial need.
Criteria Applicants currently enrolled in college in a nursing program will be given preference.
Funds $5,000
Duration Annual.
To Apply Applicants must submit a proof of acceptance in an accredited Nursing Program and proof of financial need.
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