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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Filson Historical Society Master's Thesis Fellowship
Filson Historical Society
1310 S 3rd St.
Louisville, KY 40208
Phone Number (502)635-5083
Emails gro.lacirotsihnoslif@hcraeser
Level of Study Graduate Degree
Award Type Fellowship
Purpose To support Master's students who are developing and researching thesis topics on the history of Kentucky and the regions of the Ohio Valley and the Upper South.
Focus History, American.
Qualifications Applicants must be an M.A. candidate at the thesis stage.
Funds $500
Duration Semiannual; one week.
Number of Awards Varies.
To Apply Application must be cover sheet; name, mailing address, email address; present rank and institution name; project title name of the fellowship for which you are applying; history of financial aid received during the last five years; a description of your research project (no longer than two single-spaced pages); a curriculum vitae; two letters of recommendation from colleagues familiar with your work.
Deadline February 15;October 15.
Contact The Filson Historical Society, 1310 S Third St., Louisville, Kentucky 40208; Email:;
For more information
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