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There are lots of ways to think about green jobs. Here, we look at the definition used by the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Information Network (O*NET).
A green career can be any occupation that is affected by activities such as conserving energy, developing alternative energy, reducing pollution, or recycling. Green careers fall into three groups:
These fields are adding new tasks or specialty areas because of the demand for green goods and services. Some examples include:
Construction Managers, who may need to learn more about green construction and retrofitting.
Public Relations Specialists, who may need to develop expertise in marketing green products or services.
Farmers and Ranchers, who may need to expand sustainable farming practices.
In these fields, the job duties aren’t changing but the occupation itself will probably grow because of the increased demand for green goods and services. Some examples include:
Bus Drivers, who will be needed to fill an increased demand for public transit.
Agricultural Inspectors, who will help meet the increased demand for organic and sustainable farming techniques, and new government regulations.
Carpenters and Carpenter Helpers, who will be needed to work on green construction or retrofitting projects.
New Green occupations are those that are emerging because of green trends. Some examples include:
Energy Auditors, who conduct audits to determine how energy-efficient homes or buildings are.
Chief Sustainability Officers, who oversee green activities at their organizations.
Wind Energy Engineers, who design and develop wind farm systems.
Visit Explore Green Careers to find information about skills, wages, training requirements, and more.