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Learn more about the Business Finder.
What does this tool do?
The Business Finder helps you find:
- local businesses that may be hiring
- social services where you might find help
The Business Finder searches a database of more than 13 million U.S. businesses to find what you're looking for in your neighborhood, city, or state.
How do I get started?
Find a business. Enter a business name, or the occupation or industry you're looking for. For instance, if you want to find a job in a grocery store in your neighborhood, search for "grocery store". If you know the name of the business, enter that.
Find a social service organization. Enter a name or the type of service you're looking for. If you have trouble, try entering these keywords: Individual and Family Services, Community Food and Housing, Mental Health Care Practitioners, or Child Day Care Services
If you see what you're looking for pop up below the search box, select it and click "Search." If you prefer, type your entire term and click "Search."
What can I do with these results?
After you click "Search" you'll see a list of businesses that match what you entered. Click on any business name to get details like address, phone number and contact name. You can use that information to visit, call, or look online to find out about job openings or services they offer.
Your results page may be a very long list. You can make your list shorter:
- To narrow your results, use the filters located to the left on your screen. Click "More" or "Less" at the bottom of the list to manage the number of filter options that are shown.
- To focus your search on a specific phrase, put quotes around the phrase, for example "Smith Electric" or "animal hospitals".
- To start over with a new search term, click the blue "New Search" button on the top left side of the page.
You can download and save your list of businesses in Excel, PDF, Word, or RTF using the "Download" button at the bottom of your results list.
Where does this information come from?
Business information is proprietary data licensed from Data Axle®.
Who can I contact for help?
If you have questions about a business from your list of search results, please contact that business. Click on the business name to find their contact information.
If you have questions or comments about the Business Finder or how to use this website, please contact the CareerOneStop Service Center at
How can I add, remove, or change business information provided by the Business Finder?
To request a change or addition, please contact Data Axle at or visit Data Axle.