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Need transportation to get to a job or training?
Try Google Maps to find the best route to your destination using using public transportation or walking, cycling, or driving.
You can also look into options for free or low-cost transportation in your area:
- Call 211 or visit 211org and ask about free or low-cost community transportation programs such as Ride United, a United Way program that offers free transportation in some communities.
- Check with your public bus or other transportation company to see if they offer reduced-fare passes for youth.
- Search for "bike share" or "escooter" in your area to see if there's a low-cost bike or scooter sharing program you can use.
- Search for "rideshare" in your local area, or ask co-workers about carpooling to share rides to and from work.
- Car sharing services allow you to rent a car from a local owner at a low cost.