Banner: Web API: List training institutions

Web API: List training institutions

List training institutions

The 'List Training Institutions' API enables developers to input a location and get a list of Training Programs and other related information.

About this data

The API provides search results for Training Programs based on a location entered. This data is found in the Local Training Finder on For more information on the data, go to the tool's help page.

Resource URL{userId}/{location}/{occupation}/{programName}/{programLength}/{state}/{sortColumns}/{sortDirections}/{startRecord}/{limitRecord}

Example Code

using System;

using System.Net.Http;

using System.Net.Http.Headers;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

using System.Collections.Specialized;

using System.Linq;

namespace CareerOneStopAPISample


    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)




        private static async Task CreateRequest()


            var qs = new NameValueCollection();

            qs["radius"] = "value";                       


            var uri = new UriBuilder(Uri.UriSchemeHttps, "")


                Path = "/v1/Training/{userId}/{location}/{occupation}/{programName}/{programLength}/{state}/{sortColumns}/{sortDirections}/{startRecord}/{limitRecord}",

                Query = string.Join("&", qs.AllKeys.Select(key => key + "=" + Uri.EscapeUriString(qs[key])))



            using (var http = new HttpClient())



                http.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", "Your API Token");

                http.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

                var response = await http.GetAsync(uri.Uri).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)


                    var result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);








import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;

import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse;

import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;

import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder;

import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;

import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients;

import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;

public class CareerOneStopAPISample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {

    URI uri = new URIBuilder()




                .setParameter("radius", "value")


    CloseableHttpResponse response = null;

    HttpGet httpGet = null;

    try {

        CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault();

        httpGet = new HttpGet(uri);


        httpGet.setHeader("Authorization", "Bearer Your API Token");

        response = httpClient.execute(httpGet);

        HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();


    } finally {

        if(httpGet != null) httpGet.releaseConnection();

        if(response != null) response.close();




Request Parameters

Refer to the following table for a list of the required and optional request parameters. All parameter names and values are case sensitive. Important: You must provide all required parameters. Submitting an empty request does not return all possible results; an empty request returns an error.

Parameter Name Value Required? Description
API Token
This value is the unique API Token provided during the CareerOneStop Web API registration process.
Yes This value is the unique UserID provided during the CareerOneStop Web API registration process.
Yes This value accepts a city, state (Chicago, IL) or state (IL) or ZIP code (61299)
String Yes This is a filter to limit the records based on the selected occupation from the initial resultset. The required filter can be obtained from the filterlist values.
String Yes This is a filter to limit the records based on the selected program name from the initial resultset. The required filter can be obtained from the filterlist values.
String Yes This is a filter to limit the records based on the selected program length from the initial resultset. The required filter can be obtained from the filterlist values.
String Yes This is a filter to limit the records based on the selected state from the initial resultset. The required filter can be obtained from the filterlist values.
String Yes

This value is for sorting the columns. Valid value is School and default value is 0 for relevance

String Yes Use this parameter to set the ordering of the results. Valid values are ASC, DESC and 0. Default value is 0 for relevance.
Yes This value is to set the starting record. Default value 0 is for the first record.
Yes This value sets the limit of the maximum number of records to be returned. Default value is 10.

Response Structure


  "SchoolPrograms": [


      "ID": "S163204",

      "SchoolName": "University of Maryland-University College",

      "SchoolUrl": "",

      "Address": "3501 University Blvd East",

      "City": "Adelphi",

      "StateAbbr": "MD",

      "StateName": "Maryland",

      "Zip": "20783-8010",

      "Phone": "3019857000",

      "Distance": "20.8",

      "Region": "Mid East",

      "RegionCode": "2",

      "TotalEnrollment": "20,000 and above",

      "ProgramName": null,

      "StudentGraduated": null,

      "ElementID": null,

      "ProgramLength": [],

      "Occupationslist": []



      "ID": "S232946",

      "SchoolName": "Northern Virginia Community College",

      "SchoolUrl": "",

      "Address": "4001 Wakefield Chapel Rd",

      "City": "Annandale",

      "StateAbbr": "VA",

      "StateName": "Virginia",

      "Zip": "22003-3796",

      "Phone": "7033233000",

      "Distance": "10.9",

      "Region": "Southeast",

      "RegionCode": "5",

      "TotalEnrollment": "20,000 and above",

      "ProgramName": null,

      "StudentGraduated": null,

      "ElementID": null,

      "ProgramLength": [],

      "Occupationslist": []



      "ID": "S437097",

      "SchoolName": "University of Management and Technology",

      "SchoolUrl": "",

      "Address": "1901 Fort Myer Drive, Suite 700",

      "City": "Arlington",

      "StateAbbr": "VA",

      "StateName": "Virginia",

      "Zip": "22209-1609",

      "Phone": "7035160035",

      "Distance": "15.3",

      "Region": "Southeast",

      "RegionCode": "5",

      "TotalEnrollment": "1,000 - 4,999",

      "ProgramName": null,

      "StudentGraduated": null,

      "ElementID": null,

      "ProgramLength": [],

      "Occupationslist": []



      "ID": "S446394",

      "SchoolName": "Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary",

      "SchoolUrl": "",

      "Address": "4130 Belt Rd",

      "City": "Capitol Heights",

      "StateAbbr": "MD",

      "StateName": "Maryland",

      "Zip": "20743",

      "Phone": "3017363631",

      "Distance": "22.6",

      "Region": "Mid East",

      "RegionCode": "2",

      "TotalEnrollment": "Under 1,000",

      "ProgramName": null,

      "StudentGraduated": null,

      "ElementID": null,

      "ProgramLength": [],

      "Occupationslist": []



      "ID": "S131830",

      "SchoolName": "National Conservatory of Dramatic Arts",

      "SchoolUrl": "",

      "Address": "1556 Wisconsin Ave NW",

      "City": "Washington",

      "StateAbbr": "DC",

      "StateName": "District Of Columbia",

      "Zip": "20007",

      "Phone": "2023332202",

      "Distance": "15.4",

      "Region": "Mid East",

      "RegionCode": "2",

      "TotalEnrollment": "Under 1,000",

      "ProgramName": null,

      "StudentGraduated": null,

      "ElementID": null,

      "ProgramLength": [],

      "Occupationslist": []



      "ID": "S164146",

      "SchoolName": "University System of Maryland",

      "SchoolUrl": "",

      "Address": "3300 Metzerott Rd",

      "City": "Adelphi",

      "StateAbbr": "MD",

      "StateName": "Maryland",

      "Zip": "20783-1960",

      "Phone": "3014451901",

      "Distance": "20.9",

      "Region": "Mid East",

      "RegionCode": "2",

      "TotalEnrollment": "Not applicable",

      "ProgramName": null,

      "StudentGraduated": null,

      "ElementID": null,

      "ProgramLength": [],

      "Occupationslist": []



      "ID": "S484923",

      "SchoolName": "Dermal Science International Aesthetics and Nail Academy",

      "SchoolUrl": "",

      "Address": "11301 Sunset Hills Rd Suite A-5",

      "City": "Reston",

      "StateAbbr": "VA",

      "StateName": "Virginia",

      "Zip": "20190",

      "Phone": "7039102323",

      "Distance": "1.3",

      "Region": "Southeast",

      "RegionCode": "5",

      "TotalEnrollment": "Under 1,000",

      "ProgramName": null,

      "StudentGraduated": null,

      "ElementID": null,

      "ProgramLength": [],

      "Occupationslist": []



      "ID": "S131520",

      "SchoolName": "Howard University",

      "SchoolUrl": "",

      "Address": "2400 Sixth St NW",

      "City": "Washington",

      "StateAbbr": "DC",

      "StateName": "District Of Columbia",

      "Zip": "20059-0001",

      "Phone": "2028066100",

      "Distance": "17.6",

      "Region": "Mid East",

      "RegionCode": "2",

      "TotalEnrollment": "10,000 - 19,999",

      "ProgramName": null,

      "StudentGraduated": null,

      "ElementID": null,

      "ProgramLength": [],

      "Occupationslist": []



      "ID": "S163286",

      "SchoolName": "University of Maryland-College Park",

      "SchoolUrl": "",

      "Address": null,

      "City": "College Park",

      "StateAbbr": "MD",

      "StateName": "Maryland",

      "Zip": "20742",

      "Phone": "3014051000",

      "Distance": "21.6",

      "Region": "Mid East",

      "RegionCode": "2",

      "TotalEnrollment": "20,000 and above",

      "ProgramName": null,

      "StudentGraduated": null,

      "ElementID": null,

      "ProgramLength": [],

      "Occupationslist": []



      "ID": "S482653",

      "SchoolName": "DeVry University-Virginia",

      "SchoolUrl": "",

      "Address": "2450 Crystal Dr.",

      "City": "Arlington",

      "StateAbbr": "VA",

      "StateName": "Virginia",

      "Zip": "22202",

      "Phone": "7034144000",

      "Distance": "17.6",

      "Region": "Southeast",

      "RegionCode": "5",

      "TotalEnrollment": "1,000 - 4,999",

      "ProgramName": null,

      "StudentGraduated": null,

      "ElementID": null,

      "ProgramLength": [],

      "Occupationslist": []



  "RecordCount": 84,

  "DidYouMean": "",

  "AutoCorrection": "",

  "LocationCountList": {

    "UndoList": [],

    "FilterList": [


        "Item": "Virginia (37)",

        "Count": 37,

        "Value": "4294965188"



        "Item": "District Of Columbia (25)",

        "Count": 25,

        "Value": "4294965210"



        "Item": "Maryland (22)",

        "Count": 22,

        "Value": "4294964584"




  "CityCountList": {

    "UndoList": [],

    "FilterList": []


  "RegionCountList": {

    "UndoList": [],

    "FilterList": [


        "Item": "Mid East (47)",

        "Count": 47,

        "Value": "4294965233"



        "Item": "Southeast (37)",

        "Count": 37,

        "Value": "4294967282"




  "OccupationCountList": {

    "UndoList": [],

    "FilterList": [


        "Item": "Managers, All Other (36)",

        "Count": 36,

        "Value": "4294967165"



        "Item": "Administrative Services Managers (34)",

        "Count": 34,

        "Value": "4294967134"



        "Item": "Business Teachers, Postsecondary (33)",

        "Count": 33,

        "Value": "4294967138"



        "Item": "Chief Executives (33)",

        "Count": 33,

        "Value": "4294967131"



        "Item": "Construction Managers (33)",

        "Count": 33,

        "Value": "4294967195"



        "Item": "Cost Estimators (33)",

        "Count": 33,

        "Value": "4294967207"



        "Item": "General and Operations Managers (33)",

        "Count": 33,

        "Value": "4294967132"



        "Item": "Industrial Production Managers (33)",

        "Count": 33,

        "Value": "4294967135"



        "Item": "Management Analysts (33)",

        "Count": 33,

        "Value": "4294967137"



        "Item": "Sales Managers (33)",

        "Count": 33,

        "Value": "4294967133"



        "Item": "Social and Community Service Managers (33)",

        "Count": 33,

        "Value": "4294967153"



        "Item": "Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers (33)",

        "Count": 33,

        "Value": "4294967136"



        "Item": "Computer and Information Systems Managers (31)",

        "Count": 31,

        "Value": "4294967248"



        "Item": "Computer Network Architects (30)",

        "Count": 30,

        "Value": "4294967253"



        "Item": "Information Security Analysts (30)",

        "Count": 30,

        "Value": "4294967102"



        "Item": "Computer Network Support Specialists (28)",

        "Count": 28,

        "Value": "4294967103"



        "Item": "Computer Occupations, All Other (27)",

        "Count": 27,

        "Value": "4294967254"



        "Item": "Computer Systems Analysts (27)",

        "Count": 27,

        "Value": "4294967250"



        "Item": "Computer Science Teachers, Postsecondary (26)",

        "Count": 26,

        "Value": "4294967255"



        "Item": "Computer and Information Research Scientists (25)",

        "Count": 25,

        "Value": "4294967249"



        "Item": "Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Teachers, Postsecondary (25)",

        "Count": 25,

        "Value": "4294967059"



        "Item": "Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary (25)",

        "Count": 25,

        "Value": "4294967140"



        "Item": "Accountants and Auditors (24)",

        "Count": 24,

        "Value": "4294967124"



        "Item": "Medical and Health Services Managers (23)",

        "Count": 23,

        "Value": "4294967029"



        "Item": "Software Developers, Systems Software (23)",

        "Count": 23,

        "Value": "4294967091"



        "Item": "Art, Drama, and Music Teachers, Postsecondary (22)",

        "Count": 22,

        "Value": "4294967223"



        "Item": "Budget Analysts (22)",

        "Count": 22,

        "Value": "4294967125"



        "Item": "Software Developers, Applications (21)",

        "Count": 21,

        "Value": "4294967090"



        "Item": "Computer Programmers (20)",

        "Count": 20,

        "Value": "4294966980"



        "Item": "Financial Analysts (20)",

        "Count": 20,

        "Value": "4294967119"



        "Item": "Financial Managers (20)",

        "Count": 20,

        "Value": "4294967118"



        "Item": "First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives (20)",

        "Count": 20,

        "Value": "4294966921"



        "Item": "Secondary School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education (20)",

        "Count": 20,

        "Value": "4294967229"



        "Item": "Database Administrators (19)",

        "Count": 19,

        "Value": "4294967251"



        "Item": "Network and Computer Systems Administrators (19)",

        "Count": 19,

        "Value": "4294967252"



        "Item": "English Language and Literature Teachers, Postsecondary (18)",

        "Count": 18,

        "Value": "4294967190"



        "Item": "Registered Nurses (18)",

        "Count": 18,

        "Value": "4294966994"



        "Item": "Artists and Related Workers, All Other (17)",

        "Count": 17,

        "Value": "4294966851"



        "Item": "Communications Teachers, Postsecondary (17)",

        "Count": 17,

        "Value": "4294967105"



        "Item": "Credit Analysts (17)",

        "Count": 17,

        "Value": "4294967126"



        "Item": "Financial Examiners (17)",

        "Count": 17,

        "Value": "4294967127"



        "Item": "Philosophy and Religion Teachers, Postsecondary (17)",

        "Count": 17,

        "Value": "4294967061"



        "Item": "Tax Examiners and Collectors, and Revenue Agents (17)",

        "Count": 17,

        "Value": "4294967128"



        "Item": "Web Developers (17)",

        "Count": 17,

        "Value": "4294966929"



        "Item": "Clinical, Counseling, and School Psychologists (16)",

        "Count": 16,

        "Value": "4294967166"



        "Item": "Education Administrators, All Other (16)",

        "Count": 16,

        "Value": "4294967243"



        "Item": "Hairdressers, Hairstylists, and Cosmetologists (16)",

        "Count": 16,

        "Value": "4294966828"



        "Item": "Industrial-Organizational Psychologists (16)",

        "Count": 16,

        "Value": "4294967167"



        "Item": "Legislators (16)",

        "Count": 16,

        "Value": "4294967053"



        "Item": "Nursing Instructors and Teachers, Postsecondary (16)",

        "Count": 16,

        "Value": "4294966993"



        "Item": "Political Scientists (16)",

        "Count": 16,

        "Value": "4294967150"



        "Item": "Postsecondary Teachers, All Other (16)",

        "Count": 16,

        "Value": "4294967188"



        "Item": "Psychologists, All Other (16)",

        "Count": 16,

        "Value": "4294967168"



        "Item": "Psychology Teachers, Postsecondary (16)",

        "Count": 16,

        "Value": "4294967169"



        "Item": "Writers and Authors (16)",

        "Count": 16,

        "Value": "4294967109"



        "Item": "Economics Teachers, Postsecondary (15)",

        "Count": 15,

        "Value": "4294966984"



        "Item": "Economists (15)",

        "Count": 15,

        "Value": "4294966982"



        "Item": "Graphic Designers (15)",

        "Count": 15,

        "Value": "4294966695"



        "Item": "Human Resources Specialists (15)",

        "Count": 15,

        "Value": "4294966935"



        "Item": "Labor Relations Specialists (15)",

        "Count": 15,

        "Value": "4294966936"



        "Item": "Middle School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education (15)",

        "Count": 15,

        "Value": "4294967224"



        "Item": "Multimedia Artists and Animators (15)",

        "Count": 15,

        "Value": "4294966962"



        "Item": "Skincare Specialists (15)",

        "Count": 15,

        "Value": "4294966831"



        "Item": "Architectural and Engineering Managers (14)",

        "Count": 14,

        "Value": "4294967261"



        "Item": "Compensation and Benefits Managers (14)",

        "Count": 14,

        "Value": "4294966932"



        "Item": "Compensation, Benefits, and Job Analysis Specialists (14)",

        "Count": 14,

        "Value": "4294966937"



        "Item": "Editors (14)",

        "Count": 14,

        "Value": "4294966954"



        "Item": "Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education (14)",

        "Count": 14,

        "Value": "4294967231"



        "Item": "Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators (14)",

        "Count": 14,

        "Value": "4294967144"



        "Item": "Human Resources Managers (14)",

        "Count": 14,

        "Value": "4294966933"



        "Item": "Kindergarten Teachers, Except Special Education (14)",

        "Count": 14,

        "Value": "4294967227"



        "Item": "Marketing Managers (14)",

        "Count": 14,

        "Value": "4294967115"



        "Item": "Natural Sciences Managers (14)",

        "Count": 14,

        "Value": "4294967183"



        "Item": "Political Science Teachers, Postsecondary (14)",

        "Count": 14,

        "Value": "4294967151"



        "Item": "Postmasters and Mail Superintendents (14)",

        "Count": 14,

        "Value": "4294967054"



        "Item": "Survey Researchers (14)",

        "Count": 14,

        "Value": "4294966983"



        "Item": "Training and Development Managers (14)",

        "Count": 14,

        "Value": "4294966934"



        "Item": "Training and Development Specialists (14)",

        "Count": 14,

        "Value": "4294966938"



        "Item": "Agents and Business Managers of Artists, Performers, and Athletes (13)",

        "Count": 13,

        "Value": "4294966748"



        "Item": "Biological Science Teachers, Postsecondary (13)",

        "Count": 13,

        "Value": "4294967186"



        "Item": "Biological Scientists, All Other (13)",

        "Count": 13,

        "Value": "4294967184"



        "Item": "Historians (13)",

        "Count": 13,

        "Value": "4294966977"



        "Item": "History Teachers, Postsecondary (13)",

        "Count": 13,

        "Value": "4294966978"



        "Item": "Life Scientists, All Other (13)",

        "Count": 13,

        "Value": "4294967185"



        "Item": "Makeup Artists, Theatrical and Performance (13)",

        "Count": 13,

        "Value": "4294966829"



        "Item": "Manicurists and Pedicurists (13)",

        "Count": 13,

        "Value": "4294966830"



        "Item": "Mathematical Science Teachers, Postsecondary (13)",

        "Count": 13,

        "Value": "4294967181"



        "Item": "Public Relations Specialists (13)",

        "Count": 13,

        "Value": "4294967108"



        "Item": "Tax Preparers (13)",

        "Count": 13,

        "Value": "4294966834"



        "Item": "Architecture Teachers, Postsecondary (12)",

        "Count": 12,

        "Value": "4294967263"



        "Item": "Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks (12)",

        "Count": 12,

        "Value": "4294966573"



        "Item": "Brokerage Clerks (12)",

        "Count": 12,

        "Value": "4294966575"



        "Item": "Chemistry Teachers, Postsecondary (12)",

        "Count": 12,

        "Value": "4294967176"



        "Item": "Detectives and Criminal Investigators (12)",

        "Count": 12,

        "Value": "4294966813"



        "Item": "Engineering Teachers, Postsecondary (12)",

        "Count": 12,

        "Value": "4294967215"



        "Item": "Interpreters and Translators (12)",

        "Count": 12,

        "Value": "4294967086"



        "Item": "Mathematical Science Occupations, All Other (12)",

        "Count": 12,

        "Value": "4294967180"



        "Item": "Mathematicians (12)",

        "Count": 12,

        "Value": "4294967178"



        "Item": "Medical Assistants (12)",

        "Count": 12,

        "Value": "4294966661"



        "Item": "Payroll and Timekeeping Clerks (12)",

        "Count": 12,

        "Value": "4294966574"



        "Item": "Photographers (12)",

        "Count": 12,

        "Value": "4294967145"



        "Item": "Radio and Television Announcers (12)",

        "Count": 12,

        "Value": "4294967106"



        "Item": "Statistical Assistants (12)",

        "Count": 12,

        "Value": "4294966576"



        "Item": "Statisticians (12)",

        "Count": 12,

        "Value": "4294967179"



        "Item": "Area, Ethnic, and Cultural Studies Teachers, Postsecondary (11)",

        "Count": 11,

        "Value": "4294967112"



        "Item": "Art Directors (11)",

        "Count": 11,

        "Value": "4294966368"



        "Item": "Chemists (11)",

        "Count": 11,

        "Value": "4294967175"



        "Item": "Education Teachers, Postsecondary (11)",

        "Count": 11,

        "Value": "4294967246"



        "Item": "Foreign Language and Literature Teachers, Postsecondary (11)",

        "Count": 11,

        "Value": "4294967085"



        "Item": "Medical Scientists, Except Epidemiologists (11)",

        "Count": 11,

        "Value": "4294967082"



        "Item": "Physics Teachers, Postsecondary (11)",

        "Count": 11,

        "Value": "4294967173"



        "Item": "Private Detectives and Investigators (11)",

        "Count": 11,

        "Value": "4294966815"



        "Item": "Producers and Directors (11)",

        "Count": 11,

        "Value": "4294967045"



        "Item": "Purchasing Managers (11)",

        "Count": 11,

        "Value": "4294966747"



        "Item": "Reporters and Correspondents (11)",

        "Count": 11,

        "Value": "4294966909"



        "Item": "Sociologists (11)",

        "Count": 11,

        "Value": "4294967147"



        "Item": "Actors (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294967044"



        "Item": "Advertising and Promotions Managers (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294967114"



        "Item": "Clergy (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294966969"



        "Item": "Craft Artists (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294967143"



        "Item": "Education Administrators, Elementary and Secondary School (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294967241"



        "Item": "Education Administrators, Postsecondary (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294967242"



        "Item": "Education Administrators, Preschool and Childcare Center/Program (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294967240"



        "Item": "Entertainers and Performers, Sports and Related Workers, All Other (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294967046"



        "Item": "Financial Specialists, All Other (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294967122"



        "Item": "Health Educators (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294967006"



        "Item": "Law Teachers, Postsecondary (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294966883"



        "Item": "Loan Officers (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294967121"



        "Item": "Personal Financial Advisors (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294967120"



        "Item": "Sociology Teachers, Postsecondary (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294967148"



        "Item": "Special Education Teachers, All Other (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294967238"



        "Item": "Special Education Teachers, Kindergarten and Elementary School (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294967235"



        "Item": "Special Education Teachers, Middle School (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294967236"



        "Item": "Special Education Teachers, Preschool (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294967234"



        "Item": "Special Education Teachers, Secondary School (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294967237"



        "Item": "Archivists (9)",

        "Count": 9,

        "Value": "4294967040"



        "Item": "Biochemists and Biophysicists (9)",

        "Count": 9,

        "Value": "4294967080"



        "Item": "Curators (9)",

        "Count": 9,

        "Value": "4294967041"



        "Item": "Film and Video Editors (9)",

        "Count": 9,

        "Value": "4294967259"



        "Item": "Legal Support Workers, All Other (9)",

        "Count": 9,

        "Value": "4294966658"



        "Item": "Museum Technicians and Conservators (9)",

        "Count": 9,

        "Value": "4294967042"



        "Item": "Musicians and Singers (9)",

        "Count": 9,

        "Value": "4294967038"



        "Item": "Paralegals and Legal Assistants (9)",

        "Count": 9,

        "Value": "4294966656"



        "Item": "Physicists (9)",

        "Count": 9,

        "Value": "4294967172"



        "Item": "Public Address System and Other Announcers (9)",

        "Count": 9,

        "Value": "4294967107"



        "Item": "Title Examiners, Abstractors, and Searchers (9)",

        "Count": 9,

        "Value": "4294966657"



        "Item": "Community Health Workers (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294967007"



        "Item": "Educational, Guidance, School, and Vocational Counselors (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294967100"



        "Item": "Engineers, All Other (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294967205"



        "Item": "Environmental Science Teachers, Postsecondary (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294966915"



        "Item": "Environmental Scientists and Specialists, Including Health (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294967002"



        "Item": "Interior Designers (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294966853"



        "Item": "Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294967116"



        "Item": "Marriage and Family Therapists (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294967154"



        "Item": "Medical Records and Health Information Technicians (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294966640"



        "Item": "Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294966814"



        "Item": "Preschool Teachers, Except Special Education (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294967226"



        "Item": "Social Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary, All Other (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294967264"



        "Item": "Social Scientists and Related Workers, All Other (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294967048"



        "Item": "Administrative Law Judges, Adjudicators, and Hearing Officers (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294966880"



        "Item": "Adult Basic and Secondary Education and Literacy Teachers and Instructors (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294967097"



        "Item": "Anthropologists and Archeologists (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294967050"



        "Item": "Anthropology and Archeology Teachers, Postsecondary (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294967051"



        "Item": "Arbitrators, Mediators, and Conciliators (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294966881"



        "Item": "Bailiffs (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294966812"



        "Item": "Commercial and Industrial Designers (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294966694"



        "Item": "Counselors, All Other (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294967155"



        "Item": "First-Line Supervisors of Correctional Officers (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294966920"



        "Item": "First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294966451"



        "Item": "Instructional Coordinators (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294966927"



        "Item": "Judges, Magistrate Judges, and Magistrates (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294966882"



        "Item": "Judicial Law Clerks (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294966879"



        "Item": "Lawyers (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294966878"



        "Item": "Medical Secretaries (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294966523"



        "Item": "Set and Exhibit Designers (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294966696"



        "Item": "Agricultural Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294967286"



        "Item": "Atmospheric, Earth, Marine, and Space Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294966944"



        "Item": "Broadcast News Analysts (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294966907"



        "Item": "Camera Operators, Television, Video, and Motion Picture (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294967258"



        "Item": "Chefs and Head Cooks (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294966548"



        "Item": "Child, Family, and School Social Workers (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294967156"



        "Item": "Civil Engineers (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294967214"



        "Item": "Coaches and Scouts (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294967219"



        "Item": "Designers, All Other (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294966697"



        "Item": "Epidemiologists (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294967078"



        "Item": "First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294966549"



        "Item": "Fitness Trainers and Aerobics Instructors (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294967220"



        "Item": "Food Service Managers (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294966838"



        "Item": "Healthcare Social Workers (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294967157"



        "Item": "Mental Health and Substance Abuse Social Workers (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294967158"



        "Item": "Nurse Practitioners (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294966988"



        "Item": "Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294967160"



        "Item": "Recreation and Fitness Studies Teachers, Postsecondary (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294967218"



        "Item": "Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294966571"



        "Item": "Social Work Teachers, Postsecondary (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294967161"



        "Item": "Social Workers, All Other (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294967159"



        "Item": "Wholesale and Retail Buyers, Except Farm Products (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294966704"



        "Item": "Actuaries (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966949"



        "Item": "Aerospace Engineers (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294967210"



        "Item": "Computer User Support Specialists (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966075"



        "Item": "Cooks, All Other (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966552"



        "Item": "Cooks, Private Household (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966550"



        "Item": "Cooks, Restaurant (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966551"



        "Item": "Data Entry Keyers (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966424"



        "Item": "Electrical Engineers (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294967211"



        "Item": "Electronics Engineers, Except Computer (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294967212"



        "Item": "Forensic Science Technicians (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294967058"



        "Item": "Forestry and Conservation Science Teachers, Postsecondary (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294967268"



        "Item": "Lodging Managers (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966839"



        "Item": "Massage Therapists (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966580"



        "Item": "Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technologists (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294967017"



        "Item": "Mental Health Counselors (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966843"



        "Item": "Music Directors and Composers (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966674"



        "Item": "Operations Research Analysts (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966836"



        "Item": "Social Science Research Assistants (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966750"



        "Item": "Speech-Language Pathologists (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294967141"



        "Item": "Appraisers and Assessors of Real Estate (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966720"



        "Item": "Architects, Except Landscape and Naval (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966728"



        "Item": "Audiologists (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966848"



        "Item": "Biomedical Engineers (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294967094"



        "Item": "Choreographers (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966856"



        "Item": "Computer Hardware Engineers (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294967092"



        "Item": "Dancers (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966855"



        "Item": "Dietitians and Nutritionists (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294967064"



        "Item": "Directors, Religious Activities and Education (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966971"



        "Item": "Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technicians (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294967201"



        "Item": "Emergency Management Directors (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966742"



        "Item": "First-Line Supervisors of Construction Trades and Extraction Workers (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966602"



        "Item": "First-Line Supervisors of Protective Service Workers, All Other (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966170"



        "Item": "Geographers (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966859"



        "Item": "Geography Teachers, Postsecondary (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966860"



        "Item": "Industrial Engineering Technicians (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294967199"



        "Item": "Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966776"



        "Item": "Mechanical Engineers (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294967208"



        "Item": "Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technicians (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966691"



        "Item": "Microbiologists (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294967076"



        "Item": "Property, Real Estate, and Community Association Managers (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966719"



        "Item": "Radiologic Technologists (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966585"



        "Item": "Real Estate Brokers (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966721"



        "Item": "Real Estate Sales Agents (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966722"



        "Item": "Technical Writers (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966955"



        "Item": "Urban and Regional Planners (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294967262"



        "Item": "Architectural and Civil Drafters (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966818"



        "Item": "Atmospheric and Space Scientists (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966943"



        "Item": "Audio and Video Equipment Technicians (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966448"



        "Item": "Audio-Visual and Multimedia Collections Specialists (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966926"



        "Item": "Bakers (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966007"



        "Item": "Barbers (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966511"



        "Item": "Conservation Scientists (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966734"



        "Item": "Dental Assistants (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294967032"



        "Item": "Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966531"



        "Item": "Dietetic Technicians (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294967065"



        "Item": "Family and General Practitioners (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294967013"



        "Item": "Farm and Home Management Advisors (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294967193"



        "Item": "Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294967275"



        "Item": "Fire Inspectors and Investigators (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966753"



        "Item": "Firefighters (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966752"



        "Item": "First-Line Supervisors of Landscaping, Lawn Service, and Groundskeeping Workers (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966636"



        "Item": "First-Line Supervisors of Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966252"



        "Item": "First-Line Supervisors of Production and Operating Workers (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966253"



        "Item": "Geoscientists, Except Hydrologists and Geographers (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966864"



        "Item": "Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966805"



        "Item": "Logisticians (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966251"



        "Item": "Mathematical Technicians (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966950"



        "Item": "Nursing Assistants (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966578"



        "Item": "Physical Therapists (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966998"



        "Item": "Physicians and Surgeons, All Other (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294967014"



        "Item": "Prepress Technicians and Workers (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966425"



        "Item": "Radiation Therapists (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966556"



        "Item": "Religious Workers, All Other (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966966"



        "Item": "Respiratory Therapists (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294967021"



        "Item": "Respiratory Therapy Technicians (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294967022"



        "Item": "Sound Engineering Technicians (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966168"



        "Item": "Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counselors (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966582"



        "Item": "Travel Guides (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966090"



        "Item": "Astronomers (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966224"



        "Item": "Athletes and Sports Competitors (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966517"



        "Item": "Athletic Trainers (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966845"



        "Item": "Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966803"



        "Item": "Biological Technicians (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965885"



        "Item": "Broadcast Technicians (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294967257"



        "Item": "Chemical Engineers (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966959"



        "Item": "Childcare Workers (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966283"



        "Item": "Community and Social Service Specialists, All Other (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966371"



        "Item": "Correctional Officers and Jailers (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294967056"



        "Item": "Dental Hygienists (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966541"



        "Item": "Electrical and Electronics Installers and Repairers, Transportation Equipment (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966801"



        "Item": "Electricians (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966596"



        "Item": "Electronic Equipment Installers and Repairers, Motor Vehicles (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966802"



        "Item": "Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966778"



        "Item": "Executive Secretaries and Executive Administrative Assistants (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966772"



        "Item": "Exercise Physiologists (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966868"



        "Item": "Fashion Designers (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966503"



        "Item": "First-Line Supervisors of Fire Fighting and Prevention Workers (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966810"



        "Item": "First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966353"



        "Item": "Forest Fire Inspectors and Prevention Specialists (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966219"



        "Item": "Foresters (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294967266"



        "Item": "Home Economics Teachers, Postsecondary (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294967192"



        "Item": "Hydrologists (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966865"



        "Item": "Industrial Engineers (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966957"



        "Item": "Landscape Architects (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966726"



        "Item": "Librarians (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966874"



        "Item": "Library Science Teachers, Postsecondary (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966873"



        "Item": "Materials Engineers (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294967088"



        "Item": "Mechanical Engineering Technicians (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294967197"



        "Item": "Media and Communication Workers, All Other (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966397"



        "Item": "Occupational Health and Safety Specialists (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294967003"



        "Item": "Occupational Health and Safety Technicians (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294967004"



        "Item": "Occupational Therapists (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294967000"



        "Item": "Pharmacy Technicians (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966535"



        "Item": "Phlebotomists (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966260"



        "Item": "Physical Therapist Assistants (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966653"



        "Item": "Physician Assistants (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294967019"



        "Item": "Printing Press Operators (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966426"



        "Item": "Psychiatric Aides (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966258"



        "Item": "Psychiatric Technicians (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966257"



        "Item": "Public Relations and Fundraising Managers (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966904"



        "Item": "Rehabilitation Counselors (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966841"



        "Item": "Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966773"



        "Item": "Security and Fire Alarm Systems Installers (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966597"



        "Item": "Signal and Track Switch Repairers (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966598"



        "Item": "Social and Human Service Assistants (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966370"



        "Item": "Surgical Technologists (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966623"



        "Item": "Teachers and Instructors, All Other (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966070"



        "Item": "Veterinary Technologists and Technicians (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966453"



        "Item": "Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966730"



        "Item": "Aerospace Engineering and Operations Technicians (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966443"



        "Item": "Agricultural Engineers (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966066"



        "Item": "Aircraft Mechanics and Service Technicians (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966645"



        "Item": "Aircraft Structure, Surfaces, Rigging, and Systems Assemblers (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966646"



        "Item": "Animal Scientists (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967278"



        "Item": "Avionics Technicians (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966642"



        "Item": "Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966589"



        "Item": "Career/Technical Education Teachers, Middle School (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966759"



        "Item": "Career/Technical Education Teachers, Secondary School (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966760"



        "Item": "Cargo and Freight Agents (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966767"



        "Item": "Cartographers and Photogrammetrists (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966648"



        "Item": "Civil Engineering Technicians (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967203"



        "Item": "Claims Adjusters, Examiners, and Investigators (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965873"



        "Item": "Computer Operators (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966009"



        "Item": "Cooks, Institution and Cafeteria (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966507"



        "Item": "Demonstrators and Product Promoters (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965976"



        "Item": "Dental Laboratory Technicians (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965879"



        "Item": "Dentists, All Other Specialists (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967034"



        "Item": "Dentists, General (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967036"



        "Item": "Desktop Publishers (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966025"



        "Item": "Drafters, All Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966821"



        "Item": "Electrical and Electronics Drafters (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966819"



        "Item": "Embalmers (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966457"



        "Item": "Engineering Technicians, Except Drafters, All Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966824"



        "Item": "Etchers and Engravers (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966387"



        "Item": "First-Line Supervisors of Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Workers (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967273"



        "Item": "First-Line Supervisors of Housekeeping and Janitorial Workers (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966213"



        "Item": "First-Line Supervisors of Non-Retail Sales Workers (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965576"



        "Item": "First-Line Supervisors of Personal Service Workers (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966400"



        "Item": "Food Scientists and Technologists (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967279"



        "Item": "Health Technologists and Technicians, All Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966533"



        "Item": "Insurance Appraisers, Auto Damage (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966591"



        "Item": "Insurance Claims and Policy Processing Clerks (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966769"



        "Item": "Insurance Sales Agents (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965875"



        "Item": "Insurance Underwriters (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965874"



        "Item": "Jewelers and Precious Stone and Metal Workers (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966382"



        "Item": "Legal Secretaries (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966281"



        "Item": "Maintenance and Repair Workers, General (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966214"



        "Item": "Materials Scientists (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966320"



        "Item": "Mechanical Drafters (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966820"



        "Item": "Meeting, Convention, and Event Planners (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965236"



        "Item": "Nuclear Engineers (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966138"



        "Item": "Occupational Therapy Assistants (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966537"



        "Item": "Office Clerks, General (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966770"



        "Item": "Ophthalmic Medical Technicians (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965837"



        "Item": "Opticians, Dispensing (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966431"



        "Item": "Pesticide Handlers, Sprayers, and Applicators, Vegetation (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966638"



        "Item": "Pharmacists (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966689"



        "Item": "Physical Scientists, All Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966941"



        "Item": "Procurement Clerks (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966766"



        "Item": "Purchasing Agents, Except Wholesale, Retail, and Farm Products (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966570"



        "Item": "Sales and Related Workers, All Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965977"



        "Item": "Sales Representatives, Services, All Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965975"



        "Item": "Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966764"



        "Item": "Self-Enrichment Education Teachers (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966715"



        "Item": "Soil and Plant Scientists (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967280"



        "Item": "Teacher Assistants (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966235"



        "Item": "Therapists, All Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966917"



        "Item": "Veterinarians (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966686"



        "Item": "Vocational Education Teachers, Postsecondary (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966758"



        "Item": "Welders, Cutters, Solderers, and Brazers (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966788"



        "Item": "Welding, Soldering, and Brazing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966789"



        "Item": "Word Processors and Typists (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966768"




  "ProgramCountList": {

    "UndoList": [],

    "FilterList": [


        "Item": "Business Administration and Management, General (33)",

        "Count": 33,

        "Value": "4294967139"



        "Item": "Health/Health Care Administration/Management (18)",

        "Count": 18,

        "Value": "4294967030"



        "Item": "Accounting (17)",

        "Count": 17,

        "Value": "4294967129"



        "Item": "Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse (16)",

        "Count": 16,

        "Value": "4294966995"



        "Item": "English Language and Literature, General (15)",

        "Count": 15,

        "Value": "4294967191"



        "Item": "International Business/Trade/Commerce (15)",

        "Count": 15,

        "Value": "4294966683"



        "Item": "Psychology, General (15)",

        "Count": 15,

        "Value": "4294967170"



        "Item": "Economics, General (14)",

        "Count": 14,

        "Value": "4294966699"



        "Item": "Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, General (14)",

        "Count": 14,

        "Value": "4294966939"



        "Item": "Public Administration (14)",

        "Count": 14,

        "Value": "4294967055"



        "Item": "Computer and Information Systems Security/Information Assurance (13)",

        "Count": 13,

        "Value": "4294967104"



        "Item": "Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration (13)",

        "Count": 13,

        "Value": "4294966655"



        "Item": "Political Science and Government, General (13)",

        "Count": 13,

        "Value": "4294967152"



        "Item": "Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping (12)",

        "Count": 12,

        "Value": "4294966577"



        "Item": "Biology/Biological Sciences, General (12)",

        "Count": 12,

        "Value": "4294967187"



        "Item": "Computer and Information Sciences, General (12)",

        "Count": 12,

        "Value": "4294967256"



        "Item": "Cosmetology/Cosmetologist, General (12)",

        "Count": 12,

        "Value": "4294966832"



        "Item": "History, General (12)",

        "Count": 12,

        "Value": "4294966979"



        "Item": "Information Science/Studies (12)",

        "Count": 12,

        "Value": "4294966931"



        "Item": "Information Technology (12)",

        "Count": 12,

        "Value": "4294966621"



        "Item": "Mathematics, General (12)",

        "Count": 12,

        "Value": "4294967182"



        "Item": "Business/Commerce, General (11)",

        "Count": 11,

        "Value": "4294966775"



        "Item": "Chemistry, General (11)",

        "Count": 11,

        "Value": "4294967177"



        "Item": "Medical/Clinical Assistant (11)",

        "Count": 11,

        "Value": "4294966662"



        "Item": "Purchasing, Procurement/Acquisitions and Contracts Management (11)",

        "Count": 11,

        "Value": "4294966749"



        "Item": "Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294966527"



        "Item": "Educational Leadership and Administration, General (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294967244"



        "Item": "Elementary Education and Teaching (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294967232"



        "Item": "Finance, General (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294967123"



        "Item": "Graphic Design (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294966369"



        "Item": "Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294966974"



        "Item": "Philosophy (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294967062"



        "Item": "Sociology (10)",

        "Count": 10,

        "Value": "4294967149"



        "Item": "Biochemistry (9)",

        "Count": 9,

        "Value": "4294966679"



        "Item": "Business Administration, Management and Operations, Other (9)",

        "Count": 9,

        "Value": "4294966986"



        "Item": "Computer Science (9)",

        "Count": 9,

        "Value": "4294966930"



        "Item": "Legal Assistant/Paralegal (9)",

        "Count": 9,

        "Value": "4294966659"



        "Item": "Music, General (9)",

        "Count": 9,

        "Value": "4294967039"



        "Item": "Physics, General (9)",

        "Count": 9,

        "Value": "4294967174"



        "Item": "Spanish Language and Literature (9)",

        "Count": 9,

        "Value": "4294966889"



        "Item": "Special Education and Teaching, General (9)",

        "Count": 9,

        "Value": "4294967239"



        "Item": "Speech Communication and Rhetoric (9)",

        "Count": 9,

        "Value": "4294967110"



        "Item": "Accounting and Business/Management (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294966188"



        "Item": "Art History, Criticism and Conservation (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294967043"



        "Item": "Art/Art Studies, General (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294967146"



        "Item": "Clinical Psychology (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294967164"



        "Item": "Counselor Education/School Counseling and Guidance Services (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294967101"



        "Item": "Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294967047"



        "Item": "Fine/Studio Arts, General (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294966852"



        "Item": "Interior Design (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294966854"



        "Item": "International Relations and Affairs (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294966858"



        "Item": "Management Information Systems, General (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294966981"



        "Item": "Marketing/Marketing Management, General (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294967117"



        "Item": "Web Page, Digital/Multimedia and Information Resources Design (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294966307"



        "Item": "Women's Studies (8)",

        "Count": 8,

        "Value": "4294966911"



        "Item": "Accounting and Finance (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294965518"



        "Item": "Anthropology (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294967052"



        "Item": "Criminal Justice/Police Science (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294966816"



        "Item": "Early Childhood Education and Teaching (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294967228"



        "Item": "Educational Administration and Supervision, Other (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294965896"



        "Item": "Law (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294966884"



        "Item": "Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294966946"



        "Item": "Non-Profit/Public/Organizational Management (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294966461"



        "Item": "Religion/Religious Studies (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294966867"



        "Item": "Secondary Education and Teaching (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294967230"



        "Item": "Theology/Theological Studies (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294966970"



        "Item": "Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294966745"



        "Item": "Civil Engineering, General (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294967216"



        "Item": "Criminal Justice/Safety Studies (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294966922"



        "Item": "Curriculum and Instruction (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294966351"



        "Item": "Cyber/Computer Forensics and Counterterrorism (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294965323"



        "Item": "Engineering, General (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294967096"



        "Item": "Environmental Science (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294966916"



        "Item": "French Language and Literature (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294966706"



        "Item": "General Studies (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294967189"



        "Item": "German Language and Literature (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294966891"



        "Item": "Journalism (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294966908"



        "Item": "Marketing, Other (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294966327"



        "Item": "Mathematics Teacher Education (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294966712"



        "Item": "Public Health, General (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294967008"



        "Item": "Public Policy Analysis, General (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294966109"



        "Item": "Social Work (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294967162"



        "Item": "Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language/ESL Language Instructor (6)",

        "Count": 6,

        "Value": "4294967098"



        "Item": "Aesthetician/Esthetician and Skin Care Specialist (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966420"



        "Item": "Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics and Special Effects (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966032"



        "Item": "Biotechnology (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966952"



        "Item": "Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966376"



        "Item": "Clinical Laboratory Science/Medical Technology/Technologist (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294967016"



        "Item": "Computer Support Specialist (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966014"



        "Item": "Counseling Psychology (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294967163"



        "Item": "Design and Visual Communications, General (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966698"



        "Item": "Development Economics and International Development (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294965621"



        "Item": "Education, General (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294967247"



        "Item": "Education, Other (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966680"



        "Item": "Electrical and Electronics Engineering (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294967213"



        "Item": "English/Language Arts Teacher Education (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966714"



        "Item": "Forensic Science and Technology (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294967060"



        "Item": "International/Global Studies (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966676"



        "Item": "Latin American Studies (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966912"



        "Item": "Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294967084"



        "Item": "Massage Therapy/Therapeutic Massage (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966581"



        "Item": "Neuroscience (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294967068"



        "Item": "Nursing Practice (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966989"



        "Item": "Organizational Leadership (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966741"



        "Item": "Photography (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966672"



        "Item": "Project Management (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966078"



        "Item": "Russian Language and Literature (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966132"



        "Item": "Social Sciences, General (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966751"



        "Item": "Systems Engineering (5)",

        "Count": 5,

        "Value": "4294966063"



        "Item": "Advanced Legal Research/Studies, General (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966126"



        "Item": "American/United States Studies/Civilization (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966913"



        "Item": "Arabic Language and Literature (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966130"



        "Item": "Architecture (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966729"



        "Item": "Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294967095"



        "Item": "Biological and Physical Sciences (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966948"



        "Item": "Clinical/Medical Laboratory Technician (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966584"



        "Item": "Computer Engineering, General (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294967093"



        "Item": "Computer Software Engineering (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294965985"



        "Item": "Creative Writing (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966876"



        "Item": "Culinary Arts/Chef Training (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966553"



        "Item": "Dance, General (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966857"



        "Item": "Divinity/Ministry (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966968"



        "Item": "Educational Psychology (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966862"



        "Item": "Fashion Merchandising (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966163"



        "Item": "Geography (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966861"



        "Item": "Health Information/Medical Records Technology/Technician (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966641"



        "Item": "Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966987"



        "Item": "Hospital and Health Care Facilities Administration/Management (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966847"



        "Item": "Humanities/Humanistic Studies (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966617"



        "Item": "Information Resources Management (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966746"



        "Item": "International Economics (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294965620"



        "Item": "International Public Health/International Health (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966099"



        "Item": "Legal Professions and Studies, Other (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966618"



        "Item": "Legal Studies, General (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966127"



        "Item": "Management Science (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966837"



        "Item": "Mass Communication/Media Studies (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966910"



        "Item": "Mechanical Engineering (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294967209"



        "Item": "Medical Insurance Coding Specialist/Coder (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966525"



        "Item": "Museology/Museum Studies (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966116"



        "Item": "Music Performance, General (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966514"



        "Item": "Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294965843"



        "Item": "Physical Education Teaching and Coaching (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294967221"



        "Item": "Public Health Education and Promotion (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294965820"



        "Item": "Reading Teacher Education (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294967217"



        "Item": "Real Estate (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966622"



        "Item": "Science, Technology and Society (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966947"



        "Item": "Securities Services Administration/Management (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966171"



        "Item": "Statistics, General (4)",

        "Count": 4,

        "Value": "4294966701"



        "Item": "Accounting and Related Services, Other (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294965557"



        "Item": "American Government and Politics (United States) (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294965851"



        "Item": "Applied Mathematics, General (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966951"



        "Item": "Architectural Drafting and Architectural CAD/CADD (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966288"



        "Item": "Art Teacher Education (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294967225"



        "Item": "Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, General (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966945"



        "Item": "Baking and Pastry Arts/Baker/Pastry Chef (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966008"



        "Item": "Banking, Corporate, Finance, and Securities Law (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294965572"



        "Item": "Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966360"



        "Item": "Biophysics (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294965659"



        "Item": "Biostatistics (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294967070"



        "Item": "Business/Office Automation/Technology/Data Entry (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966390"



        "Item": "Cell/Cellular and Molecular Biology (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966124"



        "Item": "Chinese Language and Literature (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294965671"



        "Item": "Cinematography and Film/Video Production (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966166"



        "Item": "City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294967265"



        "Item": "Commercial Photography (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966394"



        "Item": "Communication, General (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966352"



        "Item": "Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services, Other (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966976"



        "Item": "Computer Graphics (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966082"



        "Item": "Computer Programming/Programmer, General (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966024"



        "Item": "Computer Systems Analysis/Analyst (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966528"



        "Item": "Construction Management (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966318"



        "Item": "Cosmetology and Related Personal Grooming Arts, Other (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966529"



        "Item": "Cosmetology, Barber/Styling, and Nail Instructor (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966162"



        "Item": "Dental Assisting/Assistant (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294967033"



        "Item": "Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966532"



        "Item": "Educational/Instructional Technology (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966928"



        "Item": "Engineering/Industrial Management (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966135"



        "Item": "Entrepreneurship/Entrepreneurial Studies (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966366"



        "Item": "Epidemiology (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294967069"



        "Item": "Family Practice Nurse/Nursing (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966940"



        "Item": "Film/Cinema/Video Studies (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966212"



        "Item": "Forensic Psychology (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294965706"



        "Item": "Health and Medical Administrative Services, Other (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294967026"



        "Item": "Health and Physical Education/Fitness, Other (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294967063"



        "Item": "Health Information/Medical Records Administration/Administrator (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294967028"



        "Item": "Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology/Technician (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966806"



        "Item": "Hospitality Administration/Management, General (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966684"



        "Item": "International Law and Legal Studies (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294965571"



        "Item": "Japanese Language and Literature (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966230"



        "Item": "Jewish/Judaic Studies (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966049"



        "Item": "Legal Research and Advanced Professional Studies, Other (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966877"



        "Item": "Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966777"



        "Item": "Linguistics (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966231"



        "Item": "Logistics, Materials, and Supply Chain Management (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294967130"



        "Item": "Master Aesthetician/Esthetician (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294965543"



        "Item": "Medical Administrative/Executive Assistant and Medical Secretary (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966211"



        "Item": "Medical Insurance Specialist/Medical Biller (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966524"



        "Item": "Medical Radiologic Technology/Science - Radiation Therapist (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966557"



        "Item": "Medicine (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294967015"



        "Item": "Mental Health Counseling/Counselor (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966844"



        "Item": "Microbiology, General (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294967077"



        "Item": "Music Teacher Education (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294967222"



        "Item": "Near and Middle Eastern Studies (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966072"



        "Item": "Network and System Administration/Administrator (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966184"



        "Item": "Nursing Education (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966255"



        "Item": "Office Management and Supervision (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966452"



        "Item": "Operations Management and Supervision (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966254"



        "Item": "Organizational Behavior Studies (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294965939"



        "Item": "Physical Sciences (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966744"



        "Item": "Physical Therapy/Therapist (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966999"



        "Item": "Political Science and Government, Other (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966106"



        "Item": "Professional, Technical, Business, and Scientific Writing (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966956"



        "Item": "Recording Arts Technology/Technician (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966169"



        "Item": "Religious Education (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966516"



        "Item": "Respiratory Care Therapy/Therapist (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294967023"



        "Item": "Russian Studies (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966240"



        "Item": "Science Teacher Education/General Science Teacher Education (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966711"



        "Item": "Sign Language Interpretation and Translation (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966330"



        "Item": "Social Studies Teacher Education (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966350"



        "Item": "Speech-Language Pathology/Pathologist (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294967142"



        "Item": "Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods, Other (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966377"



        "Item": "Theology and Religious Vocations, Other (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294965768"



        "Item": "Tourism and Travel Services Management (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966091"



        "Item": "Visual and Performing Arts, General (3)",

        "Count": 3,

        "Value": "4294966417"



        "Item": "Acting (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965741"



        "Item": "Administration of Special Education (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965201"



        "Item": "Adult Health Nurse/Nursing (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965472"



        "Item": "Advertising (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966903"



        "Item": "African Studies (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966154"



        "Item": "African-American/Black Studies (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294967113"



        "Item": "Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions, Other (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966530"



        "Item": "American History (United States) (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965568"



        "Item": "American Sign Language (ASL) (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965893"



        "Item": "Ancient/Classical Greek Language and Literature (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965630"



        "Item": "Apparel and Accessories Marketing Operations (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965502"



        "Item": "Applied Horticulture/Horticulture Operations, General (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966510"



        "Item": "Applied Mathematics, Other (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966118"



        "Item": "Asian Studies/Civilization (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966681"



        "Item": "Astronomy (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966048"



        "Item": "Athletic Training/Trainer (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966846"



        "Item": "Audiology/Audiologist (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966412"



        "Item": "Audiovisual Communications Technologies/Technicians, Other (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965318"



        "Item": "Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966804"



        "Item": "Barbering/Barber (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966512"



        "Item": "Bible/Biblical Studies (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966972"



        "Item": "Bioinformatics (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966123"



        "Item": "Biology Technician/Biotechnology Laboratory Technician (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965886"



        "Item": "Biomedical Sciences, General (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294967083"



        "Item": "Chemical Engineering (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966960"



        "Item": "Child Care Provider/Assistant (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966284"



        "Item": "Child Development (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966418"



        "Item": "Commercial and Advertising Art (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966625"



        "Item": "Comparative Literature (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965823"



        "Item": "Corrections and Criminal Justice, Other (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294967057"



        "Item": "Criminology (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966700"



        "Item": "Crisis/Emergency/Disaster Management (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965805"



        "Item": "Data Entry/Microcomputer Applications, General (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966083"



        "Item": "Data Modeling/Warehousing and Database Administration (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966023"



        "Item": "Dental Hygiene/Hygienist (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966542"



        "Item": "Digital Communication and Media/Multimedia (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966398"



        "Item": "Directing and Theatrical Production (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965609"



        "Item": "Dramatic/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft, Other (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965644"



        "Item": "East Asian Studies (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966153"



        "Item": "Education/Teaching of Individuals in Early Childhood Special Education Programs (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966013"



        "Item": "Education/Teaching of Individuals with Specific Learning Disabilities (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965867"



        "Item": "Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966610"



        "Item": "Electrician (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966599"



        "Item": "Emergency Medical Technology/Technician (EMT Paramedic) (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966779"



        "Item": "Engineering, Other (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294967206"



        "Item": "Environmental Health (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294967005"



        "Item": "Environmental Studies (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966324"



        "Item": "Fashion/Apparel Design (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965935"



        "Item": "Fine Arts and Art Studies, Other (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966850"



        "Item": "Fire Science/Fire-fighting (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966220"



        "Item": "Fire Services Administration (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966811"



        "Item": "Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966228"



        "Item": "Game and Interactive Media Design (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966167"



        "Item": "Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences, Other (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966045"



        "Item": "Geology/Earth Science, General (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966866"



        "Item": "Gerontology (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966358"



        "Item": "Graphic Communications, General (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966144"



        "Item": "Health and Physical Education/Fitness, General (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966518"



        "Item": "Health Communication (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965809"



        "Item": "Health Services Administration (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966189"



        "Item": "Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966393"



        "Item": "Health Teacher Education (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294967099"



        "Item": "Health/Medical Psychology (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965906"



        "Item": "Higher Education/Higher Education Administration (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966901"



        "Item": "History, Other (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966088"



        "Item": "Human Development and Family Studies, General (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966887"



        "Item": "Human Resources Development (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966365"



        "Item": "Human Services, General (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966372"



        "Item": "Illustration (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966031"



        "Item": "Industrial Engineering (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966958"



        "Item": "Information Technology Project Management (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965492"



        "Item": "International and Comparative Education (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965209"



        "Item": "International and Intercultural Communication (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965403"



        "Item": "Italian Language and Literature (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966131"



        "Item": "Kinesiology and Exercise Science (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966869"



        "Item": "Knowledge Management (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965668"



        "Item": "Landscape Architecture (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966724"



        "Item": "Library and Information Science (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966875"



        "Item": "Library Science, Other (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965796"



        "Item": "Linguistic, Comparative, and Related Language Studies and Services, Other (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965971"



        "Item": "Materials Engineering (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294967089"



        "Item": "Medical Office Assistant/Specialist (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966263"



        "Item": "Medical/Health Management and Clinical Assistant/Specialist (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966017"



        "Item": "Medieval and Renaissance Studies (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966117"



        "Item": "Microbiological Sciences and Immunology, Other (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966059"



        "Item": "Microbiology and Immunology (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965639"



        "Item": "Music History, Literature, and Theory (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966663"



        "Item": "Nail Technician/Specialist and Manicurist (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966447"



        "Item": "Natural Resources/Conservation, General (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966735"



        "Item": "Nursing Assistant/Aide and Patient Care Assistant/Aide (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966579"



        "Item": "Nutrition Sciences (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294967066"



        "Item": "Occupational Therapy/Therapist (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294967001"



        "Item": "Oncology and Cancer Biology (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966055"



        "Item": "Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management, General (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966923"



        "Item": "Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966493"



        "Item": "Pharmacology (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966054"



        "Item": "Pharmacy Technician/Assistant (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966536"



        "Item": "Phlebotomy Technician/Phlebotomist (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966261"



        "Item": "Physical Therapy Technician/Assistant (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966654"



        "Item": "Physician Assistant (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294967020"



        "Item": "Political Communication (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965197"



        "Item": "Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966615"



        "Item": "Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966259"



        "Item": "Psychology, Other (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965966"



        "Item": "Public Administration and Social Service Professions, Other (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966919"



        "Item": "Public Health, Other (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965926"



        "Item": "Public Relations/Image Management (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966905"



        "Item": "Radio and Television (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966906"



        "Item": "Restaurant, Culinary, and Catering Management/Manager (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966183"



        "Item": "Rhetoric and Composition (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966953"



        "Item": "School Psychology (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966863"



        "Item": "Social Sciences, Other (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294967049"



        "Item": "Spanish Language Teacher Education (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966349"



        "Item": "Special Education and Teaching, Other (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966717"



        "Item": "Sport and Fitness Administration/Management (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966755"



        "Item": "Statistics, Other (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965910"



        "Item": "Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966583"



        "Item": "Surgical Technology/Technologist (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966624"



        "Item": "Sustainability Studies (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966115"



        "Item": "System, Networking, and LAN/WAN Management/Manager (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966306"



        "Item": "Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966264"



        "Item": "Theatre Literature, History and Criticism (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965229"



        "Item": "Theatre/Theatre Arts Management (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294965672"



        "Item": "Theological and Ministerial Studies, Other (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966967"



        "Item": "Urban Studies/Affairs (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966105"



        "Item": "Veterinary/Animal Health Technology/Technician and Veterinary Assistant (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966454"



        "Item": "Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling/Counselor (2)",

        "Count": 2,

        "Value": "4294966842"



        "Item": "Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, General (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966774"



        "Item": "Adult and Continuing Education Administration (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966304"



        "Item": "Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966716"



        "Item": "Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering Technology/Technician (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966444"



        "Item": "Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical/Space Engineering (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966961"



        "Item": "Agricultural Economics (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966740"



        "Item": "Agricultural Engineering (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966067"



        "Item": "Agriculture, Agriculture Operations, and Related Sciences, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967270"



        "Item": "Agriculture, General (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967287"



        "Item": "Aircraft Powerplant Technology/Technician (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966644"



        "Item": "Airframe Mechanics and Aircraft Maintenance Technology/Technician (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966647"



        "Item": "American/U.S. Law/Legal Studies/Jurisprudence (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965701"



        "Item": "Analysis and Functional Analysis (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294962670"



        "Item": "Anatomy (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965840"



        "Item": "Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965769"



        "Item": "Animal Sciences, General (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967274"



        "Item": "Applied and Professional Ethics (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966112"



        "Item": "Applied Behavior Analysis (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966110"



        "Item": "Applied Economics (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966042"



        "Item": "Applied Psychology (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966111"



        "Item": "Archeology (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965882"



        "Item": "Architectural Engineering Technology/Technician (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966295"



        "Item": "Architectural Technology/Technician (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966084"



        "Item": "Area Studies, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966238"



        "Item": "Art Therapy/Therapist (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966345"



        "Item": "Arts, Entertainment, and Media Management, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965902"



        "Item": "Arts, Entertainment,and Media Management, General (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966403"



        "Item": "Asian Bodywork Therapy (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965435"



        "Item": "Asian-American Studies (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965669"



        "Item": "Audiology/Audiologist and Speech-Language Pathology/Pathologist (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966849"



        "Item": "Aviation/Airway Management and Operations (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966269"



        "Item": "Avionics Maintenance Technology/Technician (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966643"



        "Item": "Bilingual and Multilingual Education (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966071"



        "Item": "Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965783"



        "Item": "Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966061"



        "Item": "Biometry/Biometrics (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965491"



        "Item": "Blood Bank Technology Specialist (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965930"



        "Item": "Broadcast Journalism (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966177"



        "Item": "Building/Construction Finishing, Management, and Inspection, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966634"



        "Item": "Building/Property Maintenance (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966215"



        "Item": "Business and Personal/Financial Services Marketing Operations (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966765"



        "Item": "Business Operations Support and Secretarial Services, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966250"



        "Item": "Business Teacher Education (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965982"



        "Item": "Business/Corporate Communications (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965782"



        "Item": "Business/Managerial Economics (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966985"



        "Item": "CAD/CADD Drafting and/or Design Technology/Technician (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966289"



        "Item": "Cell Biology and Anatomy (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966519"



        "Item": "Cell/Cellular Biology and Histology (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967079"



        "Item": "Chemical Physics (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965781"



        "Item": "Chemistry Teacher Education (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966521"



        "Item": "Chemistry, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966223"



        "Item": "Civil Engineering Technology/Technician (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967204"



        "Item": "Clinical Nutrition/Nutritionist (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966996"



        "Item": "Clinical Pastoral Counseling/Patient Counseling (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965477"



        "Item": "Clinical Research Coordinator (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965943"



        "Item": "Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965524"



        "Item": "Cognitive Science (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965690"



        "Item": "Communication and Media Studies, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966718"



        "Item": "Communication Disorders Sciences and Services, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966355"



        "Item": "Communication Sciences and Disorders, General (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966356"



        "Item": "Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966611"



        "Item": "Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966191"



        "Item": "Community Health and Preventive Medicine (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965595"



        "Item": "Community Health Services/Liaison/Counseling (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965877"



        "Item": "Computational Mathematics (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966120"



        "Item": "Computer Engineering Technology/Technician (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966290"



        "Item": "Computer Programming, Specific Applications (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966308"



        "Item": "Computer Software Technology/Technician (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965466"



        "Item": "Computer Teacher Education (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965923"



        "Item": "Computer Technology/Computer Systems Technology (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966650"



        "Item": "Computer/Information Technology Services Administration and Management, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965934"



        "Item": "Conducting (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965903"



        "Item": "Conservation Biology (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966122"



        "Item": "Construction Engineering (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966892"



        "Item": "Construction Trades, General (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966198"



        "Item": "Consumer Economics (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965396"



        "Item": "Cooking and Related Culinary Arts, General (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966022"



        "Item": "Corrections Administration (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965883"



        "Item": "Criminalistics and Criminal Science (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966172"



        "Item": "Critical Infrastructure Protection (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965413"



        "Item": "Customer Service Management (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965990"



        "Item": "Cytotechnology/Cytotechnologist (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967018"



        "Item": "Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966010"



        "Item": "Demography and Population Studies (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965655"



        "Item": "Dental Clinical Sciences, General (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967035"



        "Item": "Dental Laboratory Technology/Technician (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965880"



        "Item": "Dentistry (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967037"



        "Item": "Developmental and Child Psychology (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965438"



        "Item": "Diesel Mechanics Technology/Technician (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966590"



        "Item": "Digital Arts (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966103"



        "Item": "Dispute Resolution (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965519"



        "Item": "Documentary Production (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965194"



        "Item": "Drama and Dance Teacher Education (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966068"



        "Item": "Ecology (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965912"



        "Item": "Ecology, Evolution, Systematics and Population Biology, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965638"



        "Item": "E-Commerce/Electronic Commerce (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966354"



        "Item": "Econometrics and Quantitative Economics (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965636"



        "Item": "Economics, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966216"



        "Item": "Education/Teaching of Individuals in Secondary Special Education Programs (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965198"



        "Item": "Education/Teaching of Individuals with Autism (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965925"



        "Item": "Education/Teaching of Individuals with Hearing Impairments Including Deafness (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965427"



        "Item": "Education/Teaching of Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injuries (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294962619"



        "Item": "Education/Teaching of Individuals with Vision Impairments Including Blindness (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965199"



        "Item": "Educational Assessment, Testing, and Measurement (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965826"



        "Item": "Educational Statistics and Research Methods (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966898"



        "Item": "Educational, Instructional, and Curriculum Supervision (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966902"



        "Item": "Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967202"



        "Item": "Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources Law (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965516"



        "Item": "Engineering Technology, General (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966455"



        "Item": "English Literature (British and Commonwealth) (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965449"



        "Item": "Entomology (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966058"



        "Item": "Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966092"



        "Item": "Environmental Biology (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965981"



        "Item": "Ethics (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966113"



        "Item": "Ethnic Studies (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966150"



        "Item": "Ethnic, Cultural Minority, Gender, and Group Studies, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966147"



        "Item": "European History (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965567"



        "Item": "European Studies/Civilization (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965675"



        "Item": "Evolutionary Biology (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965911"



        "Item": "Executive Assistant/Executive Secretary (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965744"



        "Item": "Experimental Psychology (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965489"



        "Item": "Family and Community Services (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966128"



        "Item": "Film/Video and Photographic Arts, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966102"



        "Item": "Finance and Financial Management Services, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965901"



        "Item": "Financial Mathematics (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965398"



        "Item": "Fine and Studio Arts Management (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966346"



        "Item": "Fire Prevention and Safety Technology/Technician (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966754"



        "Item": "Food Science (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967272"



        "Item": "Foods, Nutrition, and Wellness Studies, General (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966285"



        "Item": "Foreign Language Teacher Education (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966713"



        "Item": "Foreign Languages and Literatures, General (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967087"



        "Item": "French Language Teacher Education (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965922"



        "Item": "French Studies (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965501"



        "Item": "Gay/Lesbian Studies (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966148"



        "Item": "General Literature (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965208"



        "Item": "General Merchandising, Sales, and Related Marketing Operations, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965405"



        "Item": "General Office Occupations and Clerical Services (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966771"



        "Item": "Genetics, General (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966057"



        "Item": "Genome Sciences/Genomics (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965196"



        "Item": "Geographic Information Science and Cartography (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966649"



        "Item": "Geography, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966404"



        "Item": "Geriatric Nurse/Nursing (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965212"



        "Item": "German Language Teacher Education (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965921"



        "Item": "German Studies (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965641"



        "Item": "Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator, General Production (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966427"



        "Item": "Graphic Communications, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966388"



        "Item": "Health and Wellness, General (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966392"



        "Item": "Health Law (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965612"



        "Item": "Health Policy Analysis (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965437"



        "Item": "Hebrew Language and Literature (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965205"



        "Item": "Hematology Technology/Technician (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965193"



        "Item": "Hispanic and Latin American Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965662"



        "Item": "History Teacher Education (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966619"



        "Item": "Homeland Security (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966743"



        "Item": "Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting and Related Protective Services, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966664"



        "Item": "Hospitality Administration/Management, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965674"



        "Item": "Hotel/Motel Administration/Management (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966015"



        "Item": "Human Computer Interaction (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294964837"



        "Item": "Human/Medical Genetics (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967075"



        "Item": "Immunology (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965699"



        "Item": "Industrial and Organizational Psychology (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966395"



        "Item": "Industrial Technology/Technician (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967200"



        "Item": "Informatics (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966620"



        "Item": "Insurance (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965876"



        "Item": "Intercultural/Multicultural and Diversity Studies (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966414"



        "Item": "Intermedia/Multimedia (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965703"



        "Item": "International Business, Trade, and Tax Law (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966062"



        "Item": "International Finance (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966187"



        "Item": "International Marketing (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965125"



        "Item": "International Policy Analysis (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965273"



        "Item": "International Relations and National Security Studies, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965442"



        "Item": "Iranian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294964561"



        "Item": "Islamic Studies (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965624"



        "Item": "Italian Studies (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965869"



        "Item": "Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education and Teaching (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965844"



        "Item": "Keyboard Instruments (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966668"



        "Item": "Kindergarten/Preschool Education and Teaching (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966762"



        "Item": "Land Use Planning and Management/Development (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965397"



        "Item": "Landscaping and Groundskeeping (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966639"



        "Item": "Language Interpretation and Translation (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965888"



        "Item": "Latin Language and Literature (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965660"



        "Item": "Law Enforcement Investigation and Interviewing (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966081"



        "Item": "Legal Administrative Assistant/Secretary (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966282"



        "Item": "Legal Support Services, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965240"



        "Item": "Make-Up Artist/Specialist (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965760"



        "Item": "Management Information Systems and Services, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965841"



        "Item": "Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965295"



        "Item": "Marriage and Family Therapy/Counseling (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966613"



        "Item": "Materials Science (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966321"



        "Item": "Maternal and Child Health (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966035"



        "Item": "Mathematical Statistics and Probability (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966871"



        "Item": "Mathematics and Computer Science (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966678"



        "Item": "Mathematics and Statistics (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966359"



        "Item": "Mathematics and Statistics, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965909"



        "Item": "Mechanical Engineering Related Technologies/Technicians, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967198"



        "Item": "Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Technology/Technician (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966293"



        "Item": "Medical Informatics (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965965"



        "Item": "Medical Microbiology and Bacteriology (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966703"



        "Item": "Medical Office Management/Administration (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966158"



        "Item": "Medical Scientist (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966037"



        "Item": "Meeting and Event Planning (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965237"



        "Item": "Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966256"



        "Item": "Metal and Jewelry Arts (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965931"



        "Item": "Middle/Near Eastern and Semitic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965231"



        "Item": "Middle/Near Eastern and Semitic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965661"



        "Item": "Modern Greek Language and Literature (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965190"



        "Item": "Molecular Biochemistry (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967081"



        "Item": "Molecular Biology (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966227"



        "Item": "Molecular Genetics (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965361"



        "Item": "Molecular Medicine (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966052"



        "Item": "Mortuary Science and Embalming/Embalmer (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965203"



        "Item": "Multicultural Education (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965460"



        "Item": "Music Management (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965969"



        "Item": "Music Pedagogy (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966416"



        "Item": "Music Theory and Composition (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966669"



        "Item": "Music, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966666"



        "Item": "Musicology and Ethnomusicology (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965619"



        "Item": "National Security Policy Studies (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965687"



        "Item": "Natural Resources Management and Policy, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966244"



        "Item": "Neurobiology and Anatomy (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967067"



        "Item": "Nuclear Engineering (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966139"



        "Item": "Nursing Administration (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966328"



        "Item": "Nursing Science (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966990"



        "Item": "Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966096"



        "Item": "Occupational Therapist Assistant (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966538"



        "Item": "Operations Research (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965666"



        "Item": "Ophthalmic Technician/Technologist (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965838"



        "Item": "Opticianry/Ophthalmic Dispensing Optician (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966432"



        "Item": "Palliative Care Nursing (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965192"



        "Item": "Pastoral Counseling and Specialized Ministries, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965779"



        "Item": "Pastoral Studies/Counseling (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966965"



        "Item": "Pediatric Nurse/Nursing (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965470"



        "Item": "Permanent Cosmetics/Makeup and Tattooing (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294962981"



        "Item": "Pharmaceutics and Drug Design (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966688"



        "Item": "Pharmacology and Toxicology (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967071"



        "Item": "Pharmacy (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966690"



        "Item": "Photojournalism (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966399"



        "Item": "Physical and Biological Anthropology (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965195"



        "Item": "Physical Sciences, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966942"



        "Item": "Physics Teacher Education (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965920"



        "Item": "Physiology, General (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966056"



        "Item": "Playwriting and Screenwriting (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966176"



        "Item": "Political Economy (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965394"



        "Item": "Portuguese Language and Literature (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965631"



        "Item": "Practical Nursing, Vocational Nursing and Nursing Assistants, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966522"



        "Item": "Pre-Law Studies (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965918"



        "Item": "Prepress/Desktop Publishing and Digital Imaging Design (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966026"



        "Item": "Pre-Theology/Pre-Ministerial Studies (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966159"



        "Item": "Pre-Veterinary Studies (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966038"



        "Item": "Public Health/Community Nurse/Nursing (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966492"



        "Item": "Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965797"



        "Item": "Publishing (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966145"



        "Item": "Radio and Television Broadcasting Technology/Technician (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294967260"



        "Item": "Radiologic Technology/Science - Radiographer (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966586"



        "Item": "Religion/Religious Studies, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966364"



        "Item": "Renal/Dialysis Technologist/Technician (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965090"



        "Item": "Respiratory Therapy Technician/Assistant (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966558"



        "Item": "Restaurant/Food Services Management (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966840"



        "Item": "Retailing and Retail Operations (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965978"



        "Item": "Romance Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966890"



        "Item": "Romance Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965822"



        "Item": "Russian, Central European, East European and Eurasian Studies (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966152"



        "Item": "Salon/Beauty Salon Management/Manager (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966401"



        "Item": "Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966142"



        "Item": "Social Psychology (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965865"



        "Item": "Social Work, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966107"



        "Item": "Stringed Instruments (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966041"



        "Item": "Surveying Engineering (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965160"



        "Item": "Tax Law/Taxation (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965570"



        "Item": "Taxation (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966835"



        "Item": "Teacher Assistant/Aide (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966236"



        "Item": "Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966302"



        "Item": "Telecommunications Engineering (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965729"



        "Item": "Toxicology (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965839"



        "Item": "Veterinary Medicine (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966687"



        "Item": "Veterinary Sciences/Veterinary Clinical Sciences, General (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966685"



        "Item": "Visual and Performing Arts, Other (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966367"



        "Item": "Voice and Opera (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966667"



        "Item": "Water, Wetlands, and Marine Resources Management (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965870"



        "Item": "Welding Technology/Welder (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966790"



        "Item": "Western European Studies (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294965191"



        "Item": "Zoology/Animal Biology (1)",

        "Count": 1,

        "Value": "4294966702"




  "ProgramLengthCountList": {

    "UndoList": [],

    "FilterList": [


        "Item": "Less than one year (49)",

        "Count": 49,

        "Value": "4294967245"



        "Item": "At least one but less than two years (48)",

        "Count": 48,

        "Value": "4294967031"



        "Item": "4 years (36)",

        "Count": 36,

        "Value": "4294967283"



        "Item": "2 years (35)",

        "Count": 35,

        "Value": "4294966973"



        "Item": "More than 4 years (35)",

        "Count": 35,

        "Value": "4294967276"



        "Item": "At least two but less than four years (7)",

        "Count": 7,

        "Value": "4294967027"




  "SchoolOrProgram": "S"

<SchoolProgram xmlns:i="" xmlns="">











        <Item>Virginia (37)</Item>





        <Item>District Of Columbia (25)</Item>





        <Item>Maryland (22)</Item>










        <Item>Managers, All Other (36)</Item>





        <Item>Administrative Services Managers (34)</Item>





        <Item>Business Teachers, Postsecondary (33)</Item>





        <Item>Chief Executives (33)</Item>





        <Item>Construction Managers (33)</Item>





        <Item>Cost Estimators (33)</Item>





        <Item>General and Operations Managers (33)</Item>





        <Item>Industrial Production Managers (33)</Item>





        <Item>Management Analysts (33)</Item>





        <Item>Sales Managers (33)</Item>





        <Item>Social and Community Service Managers (33)</Item>





        <Item>Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers (33)</Item>





        <Item>Computer and Information Systems Managers (31)</Item>





        <Item>Computer Network Architects (30)</Item>





        <Item>Information Security Analysts (30)</Item>





        <Item>Computer Network Support Specialists (28)</Item>





        <Item>Computer Occupations, All Other (27)</Item>





        <Item>Computer Systems Analysts (27)</Item>





        <Item>Computer Science Teachers, Postsecondary (26)</Item>





        <Item>Computer and Information Research Scientists (25)</Item>





        <Item>Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Teachers, Postsecondary (25)</Item>





        <Item>Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary (25)</Item>





        <Item>Accountants and Auditors (24)</Item>





        <Item>Medical and Health Services Managers (23)</Item>





        <Item>Software Developers, Systems Software (23)</Item>





        <Item>Art, Drama, and Music Teachers, Postsecondary (22)</Item>





        <Item>Budget Analysts (22)</Item>





        <Item>Software Developers, Applications (21)</Item>





        <Item>Computer Programmers (20)</Item>





        <Item>Financial Analysts (20)</Item>





        <Item>Financial Managers (20)</Item>





        <Item>First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives (20)</Item>





        <Item>Secondary School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education (20)</Item>





        <Item>Database Administrators (19)</Item>





        <Item>Network and Computer Systems Administrators (19)</Item>





        <Item>English Language and Literature Teachers, Postsecondary (18)</Item>





        <Item>Registered Nurses (18)</Item>





        <Item>Artists and Related Workers, All Other (17)</Item>





        <Item>Communications Teachers, Postsecondary (17)</Item>





        <Item>Credit Analysts (17)</Item>





        <Item>Financial Examiners (17)</Item>





        <Item>Philosophy and Religion Teachers, Postsecondary (17)</Item>





        <Item>Tax Examiners and Collectors, and Revenue Agents (17)</Item>





        <Item>Web Developers (17)</Item>





        <Item>Clinical, Counseling, and School Psychologists (16)</Item>





        <Item>Education Administrators, All Other (16)</Item>





        <Item>Hairdressers, Hairstylists, and Cosmetologists (16)</Item>





        <Item>Industrial-Organizational Psychologists (16)</Item>





        <Item>Legislators (16)</Item>





        <Item>Nursing Instructors and Teachers, Postsecondary (16)</Item>





        <Item>Political Scientists (16)</Item>





        <Item>Postsecondary Teachers, All Other (16)</Item>





        <Item>Psychologists, All Other (16)</Item>





        <Item>Psychology Teachers, Postsecondary (16)</Item>





        <Item>Writers and Authors (16)</Item>





        <Item>Economics Teachers, Postsecondary (15)</Item>





        <Item>Economists (15)</Item>





        <Item>Graphic Designers (15)</Item>





        <Item>Human Resources Specialists (15)</Item>





        <Item>Labor Relations Specialists (15)</Item>





        <Item>Middle School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education (15)</Item>





        <Item>Multimedia Artists and Animators (15)</Item>





        <Item>Skincare Specialists (15)</Item>





        <Item>Architectural and Engineering Managers (14)</Item>





        <Item>Compensation and Benefits Managers (14)</Item>





        <Item>Compensation, Benefits, and Job Analysis Specialists (14)</Item>





        <Item>Editors (14)</Item>





        <Item>Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education (14)</Item>





        <Item>Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators (14)</Item>





        <Item>Human Resources Managers (14)</Item>





        <Item>Kindergarten Teachers, Except Special Education (14)</Item>





        <Item>Marketing Managers (14)</Item>





        <Item>Natural Sciences Managers (14)</Item>





        <Item>Political Science Teachers, Postsecondary (14)</Item>





        <Item>Postmasters and Mail Superintendents (14)</Item>





        <Item>Survey Researchers (14)</Item>





        <Item>Training and Development Managers (14)</Item>





        <Item>Training and Development Specialists (14)</Item>





        <Item>Agents and Business Managers of Artists, Performers, and Athletes (13)</Item>





        <Item>Biological Science Teachers, Postsecondary (13)</Item>





        <Item>Biological Scientists, All Other (13)</Item>





        <Item>Historians (13)</Item>





        <Item>History Teachers, Postsecondary (13)</Item>





        <Item>Life Scientists, All Other (13)</Item>





        <Item>Makeup Artists, Theatrical and Performance (13)</Item>





        <Item>Manicurists and Pedicurists (13)</Item>





        <Item>Mathematical Science Teachers, Postsecondary (13)</Item>





        <Item>Public Relations Specialists (13)</Item>





        <Item>Tax Preparers (13)</Item>





        <Item>Architecture Teachers, Postsecondary (12)</Item>





        <Item>Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks (12)</Item>





        <Item>Brokerage Clerks (12)</Item>





        <Item>Chemistry Teachers, Postsecondary (12)</Item>





        <Item>Detectives and Criminal Investigators (12)</Item>





        <Item>Engineering Teachers, Postsecondary (12)</Item>





        <Item>Interpreters and Translators (12)</Item>





        <Item>Mathematical Science Occupations, All Other (12)</Item>





        <Item>Mathematicians (12)</Item>





        <Item>Medical Assistants (12)</Item>





        <Item>Payroll and Timekeeping Clerks (12)</Item>





        <Item>Photographers (12)</Item>





        <Item>Radio and Television Announcers (12)</Item>





        <Item>Statistical Assistants (12)</Item>





        <Item>Statisticians (12)</Item>





        <Item>Area, Ethnic, and Cultural Studies Teachers, Postsecondary (11)</Item>





        <Item>Art Directors (11)</Item>





        <Item>Chemists (11)</Item>





        <Item>Education Teachers, Postsecondary (11)</Item>





        <Item>Foreign Language and Literature Teachers, Postsecondary (11)</Item>





        <Item>Medical Scientists, Except Epidemiologists (11)</Item>





        <Item>Physics Teachers, Postsecondary (11)</Item>





        <Item>Private Detectives and Investigators (11)</Item>





        <Item>Producers and Directors (11)</Item>





        <Item>Purchasing Managers (11)</Item>





        <Item>Reporters and Correspondents (11)</Item>





        <Item>Sociologists (11)</Item>





        <Item>Actors (10)</Item>





        <Item>Advertising and Promotions Managers (10)</Item>





        <Item>Clergy (10)</Item>





        <Item>Craft Artists (10)</Item>





        <Item>Education Administrators, Elementary and Secondary School (10)</Item>





        <Item>Education Administrators, Postsecondary (10)</Item>





        <Item>Education Administrators, Preschool and Childcare Center/Program (10)</Item>





        <Item>Entertainers and Performers, Sports and Related Workers, All Other (10)</Item>





        <Item>Financial Specialists, All Other (10)</Item>





        <Item>Health Educators (10)</Item>





        <Item>Law Teachers, Postsecondary (10)</Item>





        <Item>Loan Officers (10)</Item>





        <Item>Personal Financial Advisors (10)</Item>





        <Item>Sociology Teachers, Postsecondary (10)</Item>





        <Item>Special Education Teachers, All Other (10)</Item>





        <Item>Special Education Teachers, Kindergarten and Elementary School (10)</Item>





        <Item>Special Education Teachers, Middle School (10)</Item>





        <Item>Special Education Teachers, Preschool (10)</Item>





        <Item>Special Education Teachers, Secondary School (10)</Item>





        <Item>Archivists (9)</Item>





        <Item>Biochemists and Biophysicists (9)</Item>





        <Item>Curators (9)</Item>





        <Item>Film and Video Editors (9)</Item>





        <Item>Legal Support Workers, All Other (9)</Item>





        <Item>Museum Technicians and Conservators (9)</Item>





        <Item>Musicians and Singers (9)</Item>





        <Item>Paralegals and Legal Assistants (9)</Item>





        <Item>Physicists (9)</Item>





        <Item>Public Address System and Other Announcers (9)</Item>





        <Item>Title Examiners, Abstractors, and Searchers (9)</Item>





        <Item>Community Health Workers (8)</Item>





        <Item>Educational, Guidance, School, and Vocational Counselors (8)</Item>





        <Item>Engineers, All Other (8)</Item>





        <Item>Environmental Science Teachers, Postsecondary (8)</Item>





        <Item>Environmental Scientists and Specialists, Including Health (8)</Item>





        <Item>Interior Designers (8)</Item>





        <Item>Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists (8)</Item>





        <Item>Marriage and Family Therapists (8)</Item>





        <Item>Medical Records and Health Information Technicians (8)</Item>





        <Item>Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers (8)</Item>





        <Item>Preschool Teachers, Except Special Education (8)</Item>





        <Item>Social Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary, All Other (8)</Item>





        <Item>Social Scientists and Related Workers, All Other (8)</Item>





        <Item>Administrative Law Judges, Adjudicators, and Hearing Officers (7)</Item>





        <Item>Adult Basic and Secondary Education and Literacy Teachers and Instructors (7)</Item>





        <Item>Anthropologists and Archeologists (7)</Item>





        <Item>Anthropology and Archeology Teachers, Postsecondary (7)</Item>





        <Item>Arbitrators, Mediators, and Conciliators (7)</Item>





        <Item>Bailiffs (7)</Item>





        <Item>Commercial and Industrial Designers (7)</Item>





        <Item>Counselors, All Other (7)</Item>





        <Item>First-Line Supervisors of Correctional Officers (7)</Item>





        <Item>First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers (7)</Item>





        <Item>Instructional Coordinators (7)</Item>





        <Item>Judges, Magistrate Judges, and Magistrates (7)</Item>





        <Item>Judicial Law Clerks (7)</Item>





        <Item>Lawyers (7)</Item>





        <Item>Medical Secretaries (7)</Item>





        <Item>Set and Exhibit Designers (7)</Item>





        <Item>Agricultural Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary (6)</Item>





        <Item>Atmospheric, Earth, Marine, and Space Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary (6)</Item>





        <Item>Broadcast News Analysts (6)</Item>





        <Item>Camera Operators, Television, Video, and Motion Picture (6)</Item>





        <Item>Chefs and Head Cooks (6)</Item>





        <Item>Child, Family, and School Social Workers (6)</Item>





        <Item>Civil Engineers (6)</Item>





        <Item>Coaches and Scouts (6)</Item>





        <Item>Designers, All Other (6)</Item>





        <Item>Epidemiologists (6)</Item>





        <Item>First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers (6)</Item>





        <Item>Fitness Trainers and Aerobics Instructors (6)</Item>





        <Item>Food Service Managers (6)</Item>





        <Item>Healthcare Social Workers (6)</Item>





        <Item>Mental Health and Substance Abuse Social Workers (6)</Item>





        <Item>Nurse Practitioners (6)</Item>





        <Item>Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists (6)</Item>





        <Item>Recreation and Fitness Studies Teachers, Postsecondary (6)</Item>





        <Item>Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products (6)</Item>





        <Item>Social Work Teachers, Postsecondary (6)</Item>





        <Item>Social Workers, All Other (6)</Item>





        <Item>Wholesale and Retail Buyers, Except Farm Products (6)</Item>





        <Item>Actuaries (5)</Item>





        <Item>Aerospace Engineers (5)</Item>





        <Item>Computer User Support Specialists (5)</Item>





        <Item>Cooks, All Other (5)</Item>





        <Item>Cooks, Private Household (5)</Item>





        <Item>Cooks, Restaurant (5)</Item>





        <Item>Data Entry Keyers (5)</Item>





        <Item>Electrical Engineers (5)</Item>





        <Item>Electronics Engineers, Except Computer (5)</Item>





        <Item>Forensic Science Technicians (5)</Item>





        <Item>Forestry and Conservation Science Teachers, Postsecondary (5)</Item>





        <Item>Lodging Managers (5)</Item>





        <Item>Massage Therapists (5)</Item>





        <Item>Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technologists (5)</Item>





        <Item>Mental Health Counselors (5)</Item>





        <Item>Music Directors and Composers (5)</Item>





        <Item>Operations Research Analysts (5)</Item>





        <Item>Social Science Research Assistants (5)</Item>





        <Item>Speech-Language Pathologists (5)</Item>





        <Item>Appraisers and Assessors of Real Estate (4)</Item>





        <Item>Architects, Except Landscape and Naval (4)</Item>





        <Item>Audiologists (4)</Item>





        <Item>Biomedical Engineers (4)</Item>





        <Item>Choreographers (4)</Item>





        <Item>Computer Hardware Engineers (4)</Item>





        <Item>Dancers (4)</Item>





        <Item>Dietitians and Nutritionists (4)</Item>





        <Item>Directors, Religious Activities and Education (4)</Item>





        <Item>Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technicians (4)</Item>





        <Item>Emergency Management Directors (4)</Item>





        <Item>First-Line Supervisors of Construction Trades and Extraction Workers (4)</Item>





        <Item>First-Line Supervisors of Protective Service Workers, All Other (4)</Item>





        <Item>Geographers (4)</Item>





        <Item>Geography Teachers, Postsecondary (4)</Item>





        <Item>Industrial Engineering Technicians (4)</Item>





        <Item>Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses (4)</Item>





        <Item>Mechanical Engineers (4)</Item>





        <Item>Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technicians (4)</Item>





        <Item>Microbiologists (4)</Item>





        <Item>Property, Real Estate, and Community Association Managers (4)</Item>





        <Item>Radiologic Technologists (4)</Item>





        <Item>Real Estate Brokers (4)</Item>





        <Item>Real Estate Sales Agents (4)</Item>





        <Item>Technical Writers (4)</Item>





        <Item>Urban and Regional Planners (4)</Item>





        <Item>Architectural and Civil Drafters (3)</Item>





        <Item>Atmospheric and Space Scientists (3)</Item>





        <Item>Audio and Video Equipment Technicians (3)</Item>





        <Item>Audio-Visual and Multimedia Collections Specialists (3)</Item>





        <Item>Bakers (3)</Item>





        <Item>Barbers (3)</Item>





        <Item>Conservation Scientists (3)</Item>





        <Item>Dental Assistants (3)</Item>





        <Item>Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (3)</Item>





        <Item>Dietetic Technicians (3)</Item>





        <Item>Family and General Practitioners (3)</Item>





        <Item>Farm and Home Management Advisors (3)</Item>





        <Item>Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers (3)</Item>





        <Item>Fire Inspectors and Investigators (3)</Item>





        <Item>Firefighters (3)</Item>





        <Item>First-Line Supervisors of Landscaping, Lawn Service, and Groundskeeping Workers (3)</Item>





        <Item>First-Line Supervisors of Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers (3)</Item>





        <Item>First-Line Supervisors of Production and Operating Workers (3)</Item>





        <Item>Geoscientists, Except Hydrologists and Geographers (3)</Item>





        <Item>Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers (3)</Item>





        <Item>Logisticians (3)</Item>





        <Item>Mathematical Technicians (3)</Item>





        <Item>Nursing Assistants (3)</Item>





        <Item>Physical Therapists (3)</Item>





        <Item>Physicians and Surgeons, All Other (3)</Item>





        <Item>Prepress Technicians and Workers (3)</Item>





        <Item>Radiation Therapists (3)</Item>





        <Item>Religious Workers, All Other (3)</Item>





        <Item>Respiratory Therapists (3)</Item>





        <Item>Respiratory Therapy Technicians (3)</Item>





        <Item>Sound Engineering Technicians (3)</Item>





        <Item>Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counselors (3)</Item>





        <Item>Travel Guides (3)</Item>





        <Item>Astronomers (2)</Item>





        <Item>Athletes and Sports Competitors (2)</Item>





        <Item>Athletic Trainers (2)</Item>





        <Item>Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics (2)</Item>





        <Item>Biological Technicians (2)</Item>





        <Item>Broadcast Technicians (2)</Item>





        <Item>Chemical Engineers (2)</Item>





        <Item>Childcare Workers (2)</Item>





        <Item>Community and Social Service Specialists, All Other (2)</Item>





        <Item>Correctional Officers and Jailers (2)</Item>





        <Item>Dental Hygienists (2)</Item>





        <Item>Electrical and Electronics Installers and Repairers, Transportation Equipment (2)</Item>





        <Item>Electricians (2)</Item>





        <Item>Electronic Equipment Installers and Repairers, Motor Vehicles (2)</Item>





        <Item>Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics (2)</Item>





        <Item>Executive Secretaries and Executive Administrative Assistants (2)</Item>





        <Item>Exercise Physiologists (2)</Item>





        <Item>Fashion Designers (2)</Item>





        <Item>First-Line Supervisors of Fire Fighting and Prevention Workers (2)</Item>





        <Item>First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (2)</Item>





        <Item>Forest Fire Inspectors and Prevention Specialists (2)</Item>





        <Item>Foresters (2)</Item>





        <Item>Home Economics Teachers, Postsecondary (2)</Item>





        <Item>Hydrologists (2)</Item>





        <Item>Industrial Engineers (2)</Item>





        <Item>Landscape Architects (2)</Item>





        <Item>Librarians (2)</Item>





        <Item>Library Science Teachers, Postsecondary (2)</Item>





        <Item>Materials Engineers (2)</Item>





        <Item>Mechanical Engineering Technicians (2)</Item>





        <Item>Media and Communication Workers, All Other (2)</Item>





        <Item>Occupational Health and Safety Specialists (2)</Item>





        <Item>Occupational Health and Safety Technicians (2)</Item>





        <Item>Occupational Therapists (2)</Item>





        <Item>Pharmacy Technicians (2)</Item>





        <Item>Phlebotomists (2)</Item>





        <Item>Physical Therapist Assistants (2)</Item>





        <Item>Physician Assistants (2)</Item>





        <Item>Printing Press Operators (2)</Item>





        <Item>Psychiatric Aides (2)</Item>





        <Item>Psychiatric Technicians (2)</Item>





        <Item>Public Relations and Fundraising Managers (2)</Item>





        <Item>Rehabilitation Counselors (2)</Item>





        <Item>Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive (2)</Item>





        <Item>Security and Fire Alarm Systems Installers (2)</Item>





        <Item>Signal and Track Switch Repairers (2)</Item>





        <Item>Social and Human Service Assistants (2)</Item>





        <Item>Surgical Technologists (2)</Item>





        <Item>Teachers and Instructors, All Other (2)</Item>





        <Item>Veterinary Technologists and Technicians (2)</Item>





        <Item>Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists (2)</Item>





        <Item>Aerospace Engineering and Operations Technicians (1)</Item>





        <Item>Agricultural Engineers (1)</Item>





        <Item>Aircraft Mechanics and Service Technicians (1)</Item>





        <Item>Aircraft Structure, Surfaces, Rigging, and Systems Assemblers (1)</Item>





        <Item>Animal Scientists (1)</Item>





        <Item>Avionics Technicians (1)</Item>





        <Item>Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists (1)</Item>





        <Item>Career/Technical Education Teachers, Middle School (1)</Item>





        <Item>Career/Technical Education Teachers, Secondary School (1)</Item>





        <Item>Cargo and Freight Agents (1)</Item>





        <Item>Cartographers and Photogrammetrists (1)</Item>





        <Item>Civil Engineering Technicians (1)</Item>





        <Item>Claims Adjusters, Examiners, and Investigators (1)</Item>





        <Item>Computer Operators (1)</Item>





        <Item>Cooks, Institution and Cafeteria (1)</Item>





        <Item>Demonstrators and Product Promoters (1)</Item>





        <Item>Dental Laboratory Technicians (1)</Item>





        <Item>Dentists, All Other Specialists (1)</Item>





        <Item>Dentists, General (1)</Item>





        <Item>Desktop Publishers (1)</Item>





        <Item>Drafters, All Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Electrical and Electronics Drafters (1)</Item>





        <Item>Embalmers (1)</Item>





        <Item>Engineering Technicians, Except Drafters, All Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Etchers and Engravers (1)</Item>





        <Item>First-Line Supervisors of Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Workers (1)</Item>





        <Item>First-Line Supervisors of Housekeeping and Janitorial Workers (1)</Item>





        <Item>First-Line Supervisors of Non-Retail Sales Workers (1)</Item>





        <Item>First-Line Supervisors of Personal Service Workers (1)</Item>





        <Item>Food Scientists and Technologists (1)</Item>





        <Item>Health Technologists and Technicians, All Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Insurance Appraisers, Auto Damage (1)</Item>





        <Item>Insurance Claims and Policy Processing Clerks (1)</Item>





        <Item>Insurance Sales Agents (1)</Item>





        <Item>Insurance Underwriters (1)</Item>





        <Item>Jewelers and Precious Stone and Metal Workers (1)</Item>





        <Item>Legal Secretaries (1)</Item>





        <Item>Maintenance and Repair Workers, General (1)</Item>





        <Item>Materials Scientists (1)</Item>





        <Item>Mechanical Drafters (1)</Item>





        <Item>Meeting, Convention, and Event Planners (1)</Item>





        <Item>Nuclear Engineers (1)</Item>





        <Item>Occupational Therapy Assistants (1)</Item>





        <Item>Office Clerks, General (1)</Item>





        <Item>Ophthalmic Medical Technicians (1)</Item>





        <Item>Opticians, Dispensing (1)</Item>





        <Item>Pesticide Handlers, Sprayers, and Applicators, Vegetation (1)</Item>





        <Item>Pharmacists (1)</Item>





        <Item>Physical Scientists, All Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Procurement Clerks (1)</Item>





        <Item>Purchasing Agents, Except Wholesale, Retail, and Farm Products (1)</Item>





        <Item>Sales and Related Workers, All Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Sales Representatives, Services, All Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents (1)</Item>





        <Item>Self-Enrichment Education Teachers (1)</Item>





        <Item>Soil and Plant Scientists (1)</Item>





        <Item>Teacher Assistants (1)</Item>





        <Item>Therapists, All Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Veterinarians (1)</Item>





        <Item>Vocational Education Teachers, Postsecondary (1)</Item>





        <Item>Welders, Cutters, Solderers, and Brazers (1)</Item>





        <Item>Welding, Soldering, and Brazing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders (1)</Item>





        <Item>Word Processors and Typists (1)</Item>










        <Item>Business Administration and Management, General (33)</Item>





        <Item>Health/Health Care Administration/Management (18)</Item>





        <Item>Accounting (17)</Item>





        <Item>Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse (16)</Item>





        <Item>English Language and Literature, General (15)</Item>





        <Item>International Business/Trade/Commerce (15)</Item>





        <Item>Psychology, General (15)</Item>





        <Item>Economics, General (14)</Item>





        <Item>Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, General (14)</Item>





        <Item>Public Administration (14)</Item>





        <Item>Computer and Information Systems Security/Information Assurance (13)</Item>





        <Item>Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration (13)</Item>





        <Item>Political Science and Government, General (13)</Item>





        <Item>Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping (12)</Item>





        <Item>Biology/Biological Sciences, General (12)</Item>





        <Item>Computer and Information Sciences, General (12)</Item>





        <Item>Cosmetology/Cosmetologist, General (12)</Item>





        <Item>History, General (12)</Item>





        <Item>Information Science/Studies (12)</Item>





        <Item>Information Technology (12)</Item>





        <Item>Mathematics, General (12)</Item>





        <Item>Business/Commerce, General (11)</Item>





        <Item>Chemistry, General (11)</Item>





        <Item>Medical/Clinical Assistant (11)</Item>





        <Item>Purchasing, Procurement/Acquisitions and Contracts Management (11)</Item>





        <Item>Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications (10)</Item>





        <Item>Educational Leadership and Administration, General (10)</Item>





        <Item>Elementary Education and Teaching (10)</Item>





        <Item>Finance, General (10)</Item>





        <Item>Graphic Design (10)</Item>





        <Item>Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies (10)</Item>





        <Item>Philosophy (10)</Item>





        <Item>Sociology (10)</Item>





        <Item>Biochemistry (9)</Item>





        <Item>Business Administration, Management and Operations, Other (9)</Item>





        <Item>Computer Science (9)</Item>





        <Item>Legal Assistant/Paralegal (9)</Item>





        <Item>Music, General (9)</Item>





        <Item>Physics, General (9)</Item>





        <Item>Spanish Language and Literature (9)</Item>





        <Item>Special Education and Teaching, General (9)</Item>





        <Item>Speech Communication and Rhetoric (9)</Item>





        <Item>Accounting and Business/Management (8)</Item>





        <Item>Art History, Criticism and Conservation (8)</Item>





        <Item>Art/Art Studies, General (8)</Item>





        <Item>Clinical Psychology (8)</Item>





        <Item>Counselor Education/School Counseling and Guidance Services (8)</Item>





        <Item>Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General (8)</Item>





        <Item>Fine/Studio Arts, General (8)</Item>





        <Item>Interior Design (8)</Item>





        <Item>International Relations and Affairs (8)</Item>





        <Item>Management Information Systems, General (8)</Item>





        <Item>Marketing/Marketing Management, General (8)</Item>





        <Item>Web Page, Digital/Multimedia and Information Resources Design (8)</Item>





        <Item>Women's Studies (8)</Item>





        <Item>Accounting and Finance (7)</Item>





        <Item>Anthropology (7)</Item>





        <Item>Criminal Justice/Police Science (7)</Item>





        <Item>Early Childhood Education and Teaching (7)</Item>





        <Item>Educational Administration and Supervision, Other (7)</Item>





        <Item>Law (7)</Item>





        <Item>Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other (7)</Item>





        <Item>Non-Profit/Public/Organizational Management (7)</Item>





        <Item>Religion/Religious Studies (7)</Item>





        <Item>Secondary Education and Teaching (7)</Item>





        <Item>Theology/Theological Studies (7)</Item>





        <Item>Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other (6)</Item>





        <Item>Civil Engineering, General (6)</Item>





        <Item>Criminal Justice/Safety Studies (6)</Item>





        <Item>Curriculum and Instruction (6)</Item>





        <Item>Cyber/Computer Forensics and Counterterrorism (6)</Item>





        <Item>Engineering, General (6)</Item>





        <Item>Environmental Science (6)</Item>





        <Item>French Language and Literature (6)</Item>





        <Item>General Studies (6)</Item>





        <Item>German Language and Literature (6)</Item>





        <Item>Journalism (6)</Item>





        <Item>Marketing, Other (6)</Item>





        <Item>Mathematics Teacher Education (6)</Item>





        <Item>Public Health, General (6)</Item>





        <Item>Public Policy Analysis, General (6)</Item>





        <Item>Social Work (6)</Item>





        <Item>Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language/ESL Language Instructor (6)</Item>





        <Item>Aesthetician/Esthetician and Skin Care Specialist (5)</Item>





        <Item>Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics and Special Effects (5)</Item>





        <Item>Biotechnology (5)</Item>





        <Item>Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General (5)</Item>





        <Item>Clinical Laboratory Science/Medical Technology/Technologist (5)</Item>





        <Item>Computer Support Specialist (5)</Item>





        <Item>Counseling Psychology (5)</Item>





        <Item>Design and Visual Communications, General (5)</Item>





        <Item>Development Economics and International Development (5)</Item>





        <Item>Education, General (5)</Item>





        <Item>Education, Other (5)</Item>





        <Item>Electrical and Electronics Engineering (5)</Item>





        <Item>English/Language Arts Teacher Education (5)</Item>





        <Item>Forensic Science and Technology (5)</Item>





        <Item>International/Global Studies (5)</Item>





        <Item>Latin American Studies (5)</Item>





        <Item>Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other (5)</Item>





        <Item>Massage Therapy/Therapeutic Massage (5)</Item>





        <Item>Neuroscience (5)</Item>





        <Item>Nursing Practice (5)</Item>





        <Item>Organizational Leadership (5)</Item>





        <Item>Photography (5)</Item>





        <Item>Project Management (5)</Item>





        <Item>Russian Language and Literature (5)</Item>





        <Item>Social Sciences, General (5)</Item>





        <Item>Systems Engineering (5)</Item>





        <Item>Advanced Legal Research/Studies, General (4)</Item>





        <Item>American/United States Studies/Civilization (4)</Item>





        <Item>Arabic Language and Literature (4)</Item>





        <Item>Architecture (4)</Item>





        <Item>Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering (4)</Item>





        <Item>Biological and Physical Sciences (4)</Item>





        <Item>Clinical/Medical Laboratory Technician (4)</Item>





        <Item>Computer Engineering, General (4)</Item>





        <Item>Computer Software Engineering (4)</Item>





        <Item>Creative Writing (4)</Item>





        <Item>Culinary Arts/Chef Training (4)</Item>





        <Item>Dance, General (4)</Item>





        <Item>Divinity/Ministry (4)</Item>





        <Item>Educational Psychology (4)</Item>





        <Item>Fashion Merchandising (4)</Item>





        <Item>Geography (4)</Item>





        <Item>Health Information/Medical Records Technology/Technician (4)</Item>





        <Item>Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other (4)</Item>





        <Item>Hospital and Health Care Facilities Administration/Management (4)</Item>





        <Item>Humanities/Humanistic Studies (4)</Item>





        <Item>Information Resources Management (4)</Item>





        <Item>International Economics (4)</Item>





        <Item>International Public Health/International Health (4)</Item>





        <Item>Legal Professions and Studies, Other (4)</Item>





        <Item>Legal Studies, General (4)</Item>





        <Item>Management Science (4)</Item>





        <Item>Mass Communication/Media Studies (4)</Item>





        <Item>Mechanical Engineering (4)</Item>





        <Item>Medical Insurance Coding Specialist/Coder (4)</Item>





        <Item>Museology/Museum Studies (4)</Item>





        <Item>Music Performance, General (4)</Item>





        <Item>Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution (4)</Item>





        <Item>Physical Education Teaching and Coaching (4)</Item>





        <Item>Public Health Education and Promotion (4)</Item>





        <Item>Reading Teacher Education (4)</Item>





        <Item>Real Estate (4)</Item>





        <Item>Science, Technology and Society (4)</Item>





        <Item>Securities Services Administration/Management (4)</Item>





        <Item>Statistics, General (4)</Item>





        <Item>Accounting and Related Services, Other (3)</Item>





        <Item>American Government and Politics (United States) (3)</Item>





        <Item>Applied Mathematics, General (3)</Item>





        <Item>Architectural Drafting and Architectural CAD/CADD (3)</Item>





        <Item>Art Teacher Education (3)</Item>





        <Item>Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, General (3)</Item>





        <Item>Baking and Pastry Arts/Baker/Pastry Chef (3)</Item>





        <Item>Banking, Corporate, Finance, and Securities Law (3)</Item>





        <Item>Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other (3)</Item>





        <Item>Biophysics (3)</Item>





        <Item>Biostatistics (3)</Item>





        <Item>Business/Office Automation/Technology/Data Entry (3)</Item>





        <Item>Cell/Cellular and Molecular Biology (3)</Item>





        <Item>Chinese Language and Literature (3)</Item>





        <Item>Cinematography and Film/Video Production (3)</Item>





        <Item>City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning (3)</Item>





        <Item>Commercial Photography (3)</Item>





        <Item>Communication, General (3)</Item>





        <Item>Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services, Other (3)</Item>





        <Item>Computer Graphics (3)</Item>





        <Item>Computer Programming/Programmer, General (3)</Item>





        <Item>Computer Systems Analysis/Analyst (3)</Item>





        <Item>Construction Management (3)</Item>





        <Item>Cosmetology and Related Personal Grooming Arts, Other (3)</Item>





        <Item>Cosmetology, Barber/Styling, and Nail Instructor (3)</Item>





        <Item>Dental Assisting/Assistant (3)</Item>





        <Item>Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician (3)</Item>





        <Item>Educational/Instructional Technology (3)</Item>





        <Item>Engineering/Industrial Management (3)</Item>





        <Item>Entrepreneurship/Entrepreneurial Studies (3)</Item>





        <Item>Epidemiology (3)</Item>





        <Item>Family Practice Nurse/Nursing (3)</Item>





        <Item>Film/Cinema/Video Studies (3)</Item>





        <Item>Forensic Psychology (3)</Item>





        <Item>Health and Medical Administrative Services, Other (3)</Item>





        <Item>Health and Physical Education/Fitness, Other (3)</Item>





        <Item>Health Information/Medical Records Administration/Administrator (3)</Item>





        <Item>Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology/Technician (3)</Item>





        <Item>Hospitality Administration/Management, General (3)</Item>





        <Item>International Law and Legal Studies (3)</Item>





        <Item>Japanese Language and Literature (3)</Item>





        <Item>Jewish/Judaic Studies (3)</Item>





        <Item>Legal Research and Advanced Professional Studies, Other (3)</Item>





        <Item>Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training (3)</Item>





        <Item>Linguistics (3)</Item>





        <Item>Logistics, Materials, and Supply Chain Management (3)</Item>





        <Item>Master Aesthetician/Esthetician (3)</Item>





        <Item>Medical Administrative/Executive Assistant and Medical Secretary (3)</Item>





        <Item>Medical Insurance Specialist/Medical Biller (3)</Item>





        <Item>Medical Radiologic Technology/Science - Radiation Therapist (3)</Item>





        <Item>Medicine (3)</Item>





        <Item>Mental Health Counseling/Counselor (3)</Item>





        <Item>Microbiology, General (3)</Item>





        <Item>Music Teacher Education (3)</Item>





        <Item>Near and Middle Eastern Studies (3)</Item>





        <Item>Network and System Administration/Administrator (3)</Item>





        <Item>Nursing Education (3)</Item>





        <Item>Office Management and Supervision (3)</Item>





        <Item>Operations Management and Supervision (3)</Item>





        <Item>Organizational Behavior Studies (3)</Item>





        <Item>Physical Sciences (3)</Item>





        <Item>Physical Therapy/Therapist (3)</Item>





        <Item>Political Science and Government, Other (3)</Item>





        <Item>Professional, Technical, Business, and Scientific Writing (3)</Item>





        <Item>Recording Arts Technology/Technician (3)</Item>





        <Item>Religious Education (3)</Item>





        <Item>Respiratory Care Therapy/Therapist (3)</Item>





        <Item>Russian Studies (3)</Item>





        <Item>Science Teacher Education/General Science Teacher Education (3)</Item>





        <Item>Sign Language Interpretation and Translation (3)</Item>





        <Item>Social Studies Teacher Education (3)</Item>





        <Item>Speech-Language Pathology/Pathologist (3)</Item>





        <Item>Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods, Other (3)</Item>





        <Item>Theology and Religious Vocations, Other (3)</Item>





        <Item>Tourism and Travel Services Management (3)</Item>





        <Item>Visual and Performing Arts, General (3)</Item>





        <Item>Acting (2)</Item>





        <Item>Administration of Special Education (2)</Item>





        <Item>Adult Health Nurse/Nursing (2)</Item>





        <Item>Advertising (2)</Item>





        <Item>African Studies (2)</Item>





        <Item>African-American/Black Studies (2)</Item>





        <Item>Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions, Other (2)</Item>





        <Item>American History (United States) (2)</Item>





        <Item>American Sign Language (ASL) (2)</Item>





        <Item>Ancient/Classical Greek Language and Literature (2)</Item>





        <Item>Apparel and Accessories Marketing Operations (2)</Item>





        <Item>Applied Horticulture/Horticulture Operations, General (2)</Item>





        <Item>Applied Mathematics, Other (2)</Item>





        <Item>Asian Studies/Civilization (2)</Item>





        <Item>Astronomy (2)</Item>





        <Item>Athletic Training/Trainer (2)</Item>





        <Item>Audiology/Audiologist (2)</Item>





        <Item>Audiovisual Communications Technologies/Technicians, Other (2)</Item>





        <Item>Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician (2)</Item>





        <Item>Barbering/Barber (2)</Item>





        <Item>Bible/Biblical Studies (2)</Item>





        <Item>Bioinformatics (2)</Item>





        <Item>Biology Technician/Biotechnology Laboratory Technician (2)</Item>





        <Item>Biomedical Sciences, General (2)</Item>





        <Item>Chemical Engineering (2)</Item>





        <Item>Child Care Provider/Assistant (2)</Item>





        <Item>Child Development (2)</Item>





        <Item>Commercial and Advertising Art (2)</Item>





        <Item>Comparative Literature (2)</Item>





        <Item>Corrections and Criminal Justice, Other (2)</Item>





        <Item>Criminology (2)</Item>





        <Item>Crisis/Emergency/Disaster Management (2)</Item>





        <Item>Data Entry/Microcomputer Applications, General (2)</Item>





        <Item>Data Modeling/Warehousing and Database Administration (2)</Item>





        <Item>Dental Hygiene/Hygienist (2)</Item>





        <Item>Digital Communication and Media/Multimedia (2)</Item>





        <Item>Directing and Theatrical Production (2)</Item>





        <Item>Dramatic/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft, Other (2)</Item>





        <Item>East Asian Studies (2)</Item>





        <Item>Education/Teaching of Individuals in Early Childhood Special Education Programs (2)</Item>





        <Item>Education/Teaching of Individuals with Specific Learning Disabilities (2)</Item>





        <Item>Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician (2)</Item>





        <Item>Electrician (2)</Item>





        <Item>Emergency Medical Technology/Technician (EMT Paramedic) (2)</Item>





        <Item>Engineering, Other (2)</Item>





        <Item>Environmental Health (2)</Item>





        <Item>Environmental Studies (2)</Item>





        <Item>Fashion/Apparel Design (2)</Item>





        <Item>Fine Arts and Art Studies, Other (2)</Item>





        <Item>Fire Science/Fire-fighting (2)</Item>





        <Item>Fire Services Administration (2)</Item>





        <Item>Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other (2)</Item>





        <Item>Game and Interactive Media Design (2)</Item>





        <Item>Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences, Other (2)</Item>





        <Item>Geology/Earth Science, General (2)</Item>





        <Item>Gerontology (2)</Item>





        <Item>Graphic Communications, General (2)</Item>





        <Item>Health and Physical Education/Fitness, General (2)</Item>





        <Item>Health Communication (2)</Item>





        <Item>Health Services Administration (2)</Item>





        <Item>Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General (2)</Item>





        <Item>Health Teacher Education (2)</Item>





        <Item>Health/Medical Psychology (2)</Item>





        <Item>Higher Education/Higher Education Administration (2)</Item>





        <Item>History, Other (2)</Item>





        <Item>Human Development and Family Studies, General (2)</Item>





        <Item>Human Resources Development (2)</Item>





        <Item>Human Services, General (2)</Item>





        <Item>Illustration (2)</Item>





        <Item>Industrial Engineering (2)</Item>





        <Item>Information Technology Project Management (2)</Item>





        <Item>International and Comparative Education (2)</Item>





        <Item>International and Intercultural Communication (2)</Item>





        <Item>Italian Language and Literature (2)</Item>





        <Item>Kinesiology and Exercise Science (2)</Item>





        <Item>Knowledge Management (2)</Item>





        <Item>Landscape Architecture (2)</Item>





        <Item>Library and Information Science (2)</Item>





        <Item>Library Science, Other (2)</Item>





        <Item>Linguistic, Comparative, and Related Language Studies and Services, Other (2)</Item>





        <Item>Materials Engineering (2)</Item>





        <Item>Medical Office Assistant/Specialist (2)</Item>





        <Item>Medical/Health Management and Clinical Assistant/Specialist (2)</Item>





        <Item>Medieval and Renaissance Studies (2)</Item>





        <Item>Microbiological Sciences and Immunology, Other (2)</Item>





        <Item>Microbiology and Immunology (2)</Item>





        <Item>Music History, Literature, and Theory (2)</Item>





        <Item>Nail Technician/Specialist and Manicurist (2)</Item>





        <Item>Natural Resources/Conservation, General (2)</Item>





        <Item>Nursing Assistant/Aide and Patient Care Assistant/Aide (2)</Item>





        <Item>Nutrition Sciences (2)</Item>





        <Item>Occupational Therapy/Therapist (2)</Item>





        <Item>Oncology and Cancer Biology (2)</Item>





        <Item>Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management, General (2)</Item>





        <Item>Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies (2)</Item>





        <Item>Pharmacology (2)</Item>





        <Item>Pharmacy Technician/Assistant (2)</Item>





        <Item>Phlebotomy Technician/Phlebotomist (2)</Item>





        <Item>Physical Therapy Technician/Assistant (2)</Item>





        <Item>Physician Assistant (2)</Item>





        <Item>Political Communication (2)</Item>





        <Item>Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies (2)</Item>





        <Item>Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician (2)</Item>





        <Item>Psychology, Other (2)</Item>





        <Item>Public Administration and Social Service Professions, Other (2)</Item>





        <Item>Public Health, Other (2)</Item>





        <Item>Public Relations/Image Management (2)</Item>





        <Item>Radio and Television (2)</Item>





        <Item>Restaurant, Culinary, and Catering Management/Manager (2)</Item>





        <Item>Rhetoric and Composition (2)</Item>





        <Item>School Psychology (2)</Item>





        <Item>Social Sciences, Other (2)</Item>





        <Item>Spanish Language Teacher Education (2)</Item>





        <Item>Special Education and Teaching, Other (2)</Item>





        <Item>Sport and Fitness Administration/Management (2)</Item>





        <Item>Statistics, Other (2)</Item>





        <Item>Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling (2)</Item>





        <Item>Surgical Technology/Technologist (2)</Item>





        <Item>Sustainability Studies (2)</Item>





        <Item>System, Networking, and LAN/WAN Management/Manager (2)</Item>





        <Item>Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology (2)</Item>





        <Item>Theatre Literature, History and Criticism (2)</Item>





        <Item>Theatre/Theatre Arts Management (2)</Item>





        <Item>Theological and Ministerial Studies, Other (2)</Item>





        <Item>Urban Studies/Affairs (2)</Item>





        <Item>Veterinary/Animal Health Technology/Technician and Veterinary Assistant (2)</Item>





        <Item>Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling/Counselor (2)</Item>





        <Item>Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, General (1)</Item>





        <Item>Adult and Continuing Education Administration (1)</Item>





        <Item>Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching (1)</Item>





        <Item>Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering Technology/Technician (1)</Item>





        <Item>Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical/Space Engineering (1)</Item>





        <Item>Agricultural Economics (1)</Item>





        <Item>Agricultural Engineering (1)</Item>





        <Item>Agriculture, Agriculture Operations, and Related Sciences, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Agriculture, General (1)</Item>





        <Item>Aircraft Powerplant Technology/Technician (1)</Item>





        <Item>Airframe Mechanics and Aircraft Maintenance Technology/Technician (1)</Item>





        <Item>American/U.S. Law/Legal Studies/Jurisprudence (1)</Item>





        <Item>Analysis and Functional Analysis (1)</Item>





        <Item>Anatomy (1)</Item>





        <Item>Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics (1)</Item>





        <Item>Animal Sciences, General (1)</Item>





        <Item>Applied and Professional Ethics (1)</Item>





        <Item>Applied Behavior Analysis (1)</Item>





        <Item>Applied Economics (1)</Item>





        <Item>Applied Psychology (1)</Item>





        <Item>Archeology (1)</Item>





        <Item>Architectural Engineering Technology/Technician (1)</Item>





        <Item>Architectural Technology/Technician (1)</Item>





        <Item>Area Studies, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Art Therapy/Therapist (1)</Item>





        <Item>Arts, Entertainment, and Media Management, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Arts, Entertainment,and Media Management, General (1)</Item>





        <Item>Asian Bodywork Therapy (1)</Item>





        <Item>Asian-American Studies (1)</Item>





        <Item>Audiology/Audiologist and Speech-Language Pathology/Pathologist (1)</Item>





        <Item>Aviation/Airway Management and Operations (1)</Item>





        <Item>Avionics Maintenance Technology/Technician (1)</Item>





        <Item>Bilingual and Multilingual Education (1)</Item>





        <Item>Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (1)</Item>





        <Item>Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Biometry/Biometrics (1)</Item>





        <Item>Blood Bank Technology Specialist (1)</Item>





        <Item>Broadcast Journalism (1)</Item>





        <Item>Building/Construction Finishing, Management, and Inspection, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Building/Property Maintenance (1)</Item>





        <Item>Business and Personal/Financial Services Marketing Operations (1)</Item>





        <Item>Business Operations Support and Secretarial Services, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Business Teacher Education (1)</Item>





        <Item>Business/Corporate Communications (1)</Item>





        <Item>Business/Managerial Economics (1)</Item>





        <Item>CAD/CADD Drafting and/or Design Technology/Technician (1)</Item>





        <Item>Cell Biology and Anatomy (1)</Item>





        <Item>Cell/Cellular Biology and Histology (1)</Item>





        <Item>Chemical Physics (1)</Item>





        <Item>Chemistry Teacher Education (1)</Item>





        <Item>Chemistry, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Civil Engineering Technology/Technician (1)</Item>





        <Item>Clinical Nutrition/Nutritionist (1)</Item>





        <Item>Clinical Pastoral Counseling/Patient Counseling (1)</Item>





        <Item>Clinical Research Coordinator (1)</Item>





        <Item>Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Cognitive Science (1)</Item>





        <Item>Communication and Media Studies, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Communication Disorders Sciences and Services, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Communication Sciences and Disorders, General (1)</Item>





        <Item>Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Community Health and Preventive Medicine (1)</Item>





        <Item>Community Health Services/Liaison/Counseling (1)</Item>





        <Item>Computational Mathematics (1)</Item>





        <Item>Computer Engineering Technology/Technician (1)</Item>





        <Item>Computer Programming, Specific Applications (1)</Item>





        <Item>Computer Software Technology/Technician (1)</Item>





        <Item>Computer Teacher Education (1)</Item>





        <Item>Computer Technology/Computer Systems Technology (1)</Item>





        <Item>Computer/Information Technology Services Administration and Management, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Conducting (1)</Item>





        <Item>Conservation Biology (1)</Item>





        <Item>Construction Engineering (1)</Item>





        <Item>Construction Trades, General (1)</Item>





        <Item>Consumer Economics (1)</Item>





        <Item>Cooking and Related Culinary Arts, General (1)</Item>





        <Item>Corrections Administration (1)</Item>





        <Item>Criminalistics and Criminal Science (1)</Item>





        <Item>Critical Infrastructure Protection (1)</Item>





        <Item>Customer Service Management (1)</Item>





        <Item>Cytotechnology/Cytotechnologist (1)</Item>





        <Item>Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician (1)</Item>





        <Item>Demography and Population Studies (1)</Item>





        <Item>Dental Clinical Sciences, General (1)</Item>





        <Item>Dental Laboratory Technology/Technician (1)</Item>





        <Item>Dentistry (1)</Item>





        <Item>Developmental and Child Psychology (1)</Item>





        <Item>Diesel Mechanics Technology/Technician (1)</Item>





        <Item>Digital Arts (1)</Item>





        <Item>Dispute Resolution (1)</Item>





        <Item>Documentary Production (1)</Item>





        <Item>Drama and Dance Teacher Education (1)</Item>





        <Item>Ecology (1)</Item>





        <Item>Ecology, Evolution, Systematics and Population Biology, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>E-Commerce/Electronic Commerce (1)</Item>





        <Item>Econometrics and Quantitative Economics (1)</Item>





        <Item>Economics, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Education/Teaching of Individuals in Secondary Special Education Programs (1)</Item>





        <Item>Education/Teaching of Individuals with Autism (1)</Item>





        <Item>Education/Teaching of Individuals with Hearing Impairments Including Deafness (1)</Item>





        <Item>Education/Teaching of Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injuries (1)</Item>





        <Item>Education/Teaching of Individuals with Vision Impairments Including Blindness (1)</Item>





        <Item>Educational Assessment, Testing, and Measurement (1)</Item>





        <Item>Educational Statistics and Research Methods (1)</Item>





        <Item>Educational, Instructional, and Curriculum Supervision (1)</Item>





        <Item>Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources Law (1)</Item>





        <Item>Engineering Technology, General (1)</Item>





        <Item>English Literature (British and Commonwealth) (1)</Item>





        <Item>Entomology (1)</Item>





        <Item>Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Environmental Biology (1)</Item>





        <Item>Ethics (1)</Item>





        <Item>Ethnic Studies (1)</Item>





        <Item>Ethnic, Cultural Minority, Gender, and Group Studies, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>European History (1)</Item>





        <Item>European Studies/Civilization (1)</Item>





        <Item>Evolutionary Biology (1)</Item>





        <Item>Executive Assistant/Executive Secretary (1)</Item>





        <Item>Experimental Psychology (1)</Item>





        <Item>Family and Community Services (1)</Item>





        <Item>Film/Video and Photographic Arts, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Finance and Financial Management Services, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Financial Mathematics (1)</Item>





        <Item>Fine and Studio Arts Management (1)</Item>





        <Item>Fire Prevention and Safety Technology/Technician (1)</Item>





        <Item>Food Science (1)</Item>





        <Item>Foods, Nutrition, and Wellness Studies, General (1)</Item>





        <Item>Foreign Language Teacher Education (1)</Item>





        <Item>Foreign Languages and Literatures, General (1)</Item>





        <Item>French Language Teacher Education (1)</Item>





        <Item>French Studies (1)</Item>





        <Item>Gay/Lesbian Studies (1)</Item>





        <Item>General Literature (1)</Item>





        <Item>General Merchandising, Sales, and Related Marketing Operations, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>General Office Occupations and Clerical Services (1)</Item>





        <Item>Genetics, General (1)</Item>





        <Item>Genome Sciences/Genomics (1)</Item>





        <Item>Geographic Information Science and Cartography (1)</Item>





        <Item>Geography, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Geriatric Nurse/Nursing (1)</Item>





        <Item>German Language Teacher Education (1)</Item>





        <Item>German Studies (1)</Item>





        <Item>Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator, General Production (1)</Item>





        <Item>Graphic Communications, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Health and Wellness, General (1)</Item>





        <Item>Health Law (1)</Item>





        <Item>Health Policy Analysis (1)</Item>





        <Item>Hebrew Language and Literature (1)</Item>





        <Item>Hematology Technology/Technician (1)</Item>





        <Item>Hispanic and Latin American Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General (1)</Item>





        <Item>History Teacher Education (1)</Item>





        <Item>Homeland Security (1)</Item>





        <Item>Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting and Related Protective Services, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Hospitality Administration/Management, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Hotel/Motel Administration/Management (1)</Item>





        <Item>Human Computer Interaction (1)</Item>





        <Item>Human/Medical Genetics (1)</Item>





        <Item>Immunology (1)</Item>





        <Item>Industrial and Organizational Psychology (1)</Item>





        <Item>Industrial Technology/Technician (1)</Item>





        <Item>Informatics (1)</Item>





        <Item>Insurance (1)</Item>





        <Item>Intercultural/Multicultural and Diversity Studies (1)</Item>





        <Item>Intermedia/Multimedia (1)</Item>





        <Item>International Business, Trade, and Tax Law (1)</Item>





        <Item>International Finance (1)</Item>





        <Item>International Marketing (1)</Item>





        <Item>International Policy Analysis (1)</Item>





        <Item>International Relations and National Security Studies, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Iranian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics (1)</Item>





        <Item>Islamic Studies (1)</Item>





        <Item>Italian Studies (1)</Item>





        <Item>Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education and Teaching (1)</Item>





        <Item>Keyboard Instruments (1)</Item>





        <Item>Kindergarten/Preschool Education and Teaching (1)</Item>





        <Item>Land Use Planning and Management/Development (1)</Item>





        <Item>Landscaping and Groundskeeping (1)</Item>





        <Item>Language Interpretation and Translation (1)</Item>





        <Item>Latin Language and Literature (1)</Item>





        <Item>Law Enforcement Investigation and Interviewing (1)</Item>





        <Item>Legal Administrative Assistant/Secretary (1)</Item>





        <Item>Legal Support Services, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Make-Up Artist/Specialist (1)</Item>





        <Item>Management Information Systems and Services, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Marriage and Family Therapy/Counseling (1)</Item>





        <Item>Materials Science (1)</Item>





        <Item>Maternal and Child Health (1)</Item>





        <Item>Mathematical Statistics and Probability (1)</Item>





        <Item>Mathematics and Computer Science (1)</Item>





        <Item>Mathematics and Statistics (1)</Item>





        <Item>Mathematics and Statistics, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Mechanical Engineering Related Technologies/Technicians, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Technology/Technician (1)</Item>





        <Item>Medical Informatics (1)</Item>





        <Item>Medical Microbiology and Bacteriology (1)</Item>





        <Item>Medical Office Management/Administration (1)</Item>





        <Item>Medical Scientist (1)</Item>





        <Item>Meeting and Event Planning (1)</Item>





        <Item>Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Metal and Jewelry Arts (1)</Item>





        <Item>Middle/Near Eastern and Semitic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General (1)</Item>





        <Item>Middle/Near Eastern and Semitic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Modern Greek Language and Literature (1)</Item>





        <Item>Molecular Biochemistry (1)</Item>





        <Item>Molecular Biology (1)</Item>





        <Item>Molecular Genetics (1)</Item>





        <Item>Molecular Medicine (1)</Item>





        <Item>Mortuary Science and Embalming/Embalmer (1)</Item>





        <Item>Multicultural Education (1)</Item>





        <Item>Music Management (1)</Item>





        <Item>Music Pedagogy (1)</Item>





        <Item>Music Theory and Composition (1)</Item>





        <Item>Music, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Musicology and Ethnomusicology (1)</Item>





        <Item>National Security Policy Studies (1)</Item>





        <Item>Natural Resources Management and Policy, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Neurobiology and Anatomy (1)</Item>





        <Item>Nuclear Engineering (1)</Item>





        <Item>Nursing Administration (1)</Item>





        <Item>Nursing Science (1)</Item>





        <Item>Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing (1)</Item>





        <Item>Occupational Therapist Assistant (1)</Item>





        <Item>Operations Research (1)</Item>





        <Item>Ophthalmic Technician/Technologist (1)</Item>





        <Item>Opticianry/Ophthalmic Dispensing Optician (1)</Item>





        <Item>Palliative Care Nursing (1)</Item>





        <Item>Pastoral Counseling and Specialized Ministries, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Pastoral Studies/Counseling (1)</Item>





        <Item>Pediatric Nurse/Nursing (1)</Item>





        <Item>Permanent Cosmetics/Makeup and Tattooing (1)</Item>





        <Item>Pharmaceutics and Drug Design (1)</Item>





        <Item>Pharmacology and Toxicology (1)</Item>





        <Item>Pharmacy (1)</Item>





        <Item>Photojournalism (1)</Item>





        <Item>Physical and Biological Anthropology (1)</Item>





        <Item>Physical Sciences, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Physics Teacher Education (1)</Item>





        <Item>Physiology, General (1)</Item>





        <Item>Playwriting and Screenwriting (1)</Item>





        <Item>Political Economy (1)</Item>





        <Item>Portuguese Language and Literature (1)</Item>





        <Item>Practical Nursing, Vocational Nursing and Nursing Assistants, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Pre-Law Studies (1)</Item>





        <Item>Prepress/Desktop Publishing and Digital Imaging Design (1)</Item>





        <Item>Pre-Theology/Pre-Ministerial Studies (1)</Item>





        <Item>Pre-Veterinary Studies (1)</Item>





        <Item>Public Health/Community Nurse/Nursing (1)</Item>





        <Item>Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication (1)</Item>





        <Item>Publishing (1)</Item>





        <Item>Radio and Television Broadcasting Technology/Technician (1)</Item>





        <Item>Radiologic Technology/Science - Radiographer (1)</Item>





        <Item>Religion/Religious Studies, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Renal/Dialysis Technologist/Technician (1)</Item>





        <Item>Respiratory Therapy Technician/Assistant (1)</Item>





        <Item>Restaurant/Food Services Management (1)</Item>





        <Item>Retailing and Retail Operations (1)</Item>





        <Item>Romance Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General (1)</Item>





        <Item>Romance Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Russian, Central European, East European and Eurasian Studies (1)</Item>





        <Item>Salon/Beauty Salon Management/Manager (1)</Item>





        <Item>Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education (1)</Item>





        <Item>Social Psychology (1)</Item>





        <Item>Social Work, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Stringed Instruments (1)</Item>





        <Item>Surveying Engineering (1)</Item>





        <Item>Tax Law/Taxation (1)</Item>





        <Item>Taxation (1)</Item>





        <Item>Teacher Assistant/Aide (1)</Item>





        <Item>Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Telecommunications Engineering (1)</Item>





        <Item>Toxicology (1)</Item>





        <Item>Veterinary Medicine (1)</Item>





        <Item>Veterinary Sciences/Veterinary Clinical Sciences, General (1)</Item>





        <Item>Visual and Performing Arts, Other (1)</Item>





        <Item>Voice and Opera (1)</Item>





        <Item>Water, Wetlands, and Marine Resources Management (1)</Item>





        <Item>Welding Technology/Welder (1)</Item>





        <Item>Western European Studies (1)</Item>





        <Item>Zoology/Animal Biology (1)</Item>










        <Item>Less than one year (49)</Item>





        <Item>At least one but less than two years (48)</Item>





        <Item>4 years (36)</Item>





        <Item>2 years (35)</Item>





        <Item>More than 4 years (35)</Item>





        <Item>At least two but less than four years (7)</Item>











        <Item>Mid East (47)</Item>





        <Item>Southeast (37)</Item>









      <Address>3501 University Blvd East</Address>



      <ElementID i:nil="true"/>





      <ProgramName i:nil="true"/>

      <Region>Mid East</Region>


      <SchoolName>University of Maryland-University College</SchoolName>




      <StudentGraduated i:nil="true"/>

      <TotalEnrollment>20,000 and above</TotalEnrollment>




      <Address>4001 Wakefield Chapel Rd</Address>



      <ElementID i:nil="true"/>





      <ProgramName i:nil="true"/>



      <SchoolName>Northern Virginia Community College</SchoolName>




      <StudentGraduated i:nil="true"/>

      <TotalEnrollment>20,000 and above</TotalEnrollment>




      <Address>1901 Fort Myer Drive, Suite 700</Address>



      <ElementID i:nil="true"/>





      <ProgramName i:nil="true"/>



      <SchoolName>University of Management and Technology</SchoolName>




      <StudentGraduated i:nil="true"/>

      <TotalEnrollment>1,000 - 4,999</TotalEnrollment>




      <Address>4130 Belt Rd</Address>

      <City>Capitol Heights</City>


      <ElementID i:nil="true"/>





      <ProgramName i:nil="true"/>

      <Region>Mid East</Region>


      <SchoolName>Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary</SchoolName>




      <StudentGraduated i:nil="true"/>

      <TotalEnrollment>Under 1,000</TotalEnrollment>




      <Address>1556 Wisconsin Ave NW</Address>



      <ElementID i:nil="true"/>





      <ProgramName i:nil="true"/>

      <Region>Mid East</Region>


      <SchoolName>National Conservatory of Dramatic Arts</SchoolName>



      <StateName>District Of Columbia</StateName>

      <StudentGraduated i:nil="true"/>

      <TotalEnrollment>Under 1,000</TotalEnrollment>




      <Address>3300 Metzerott Rd</Address>



      <ElementID i:nil="true"/>





      <ProgramName i:nil="true"/>

      <Region>Mid East</Region>


      <SchoolName>University System of Maryland</SchoolName>




      <StudentGraduated i:nil="true"/>

      <TotalEnrollment>Not applicable</TotalEnrollment>




      <Address>11301 Sunset Hills Rd Suite A-5</Address>



      <ElementID i:nil="true"/>





      <ProgramName i:nil="true"/>



      <SchoolName>Dermal Science International Aesthetics and Nail Academy</SchoolName>




      <StudentGraduated i:nil="true"/>

      <TotalEnrollment>Under 1,000</TotalEnrollment>




      <Address>2400 Sixth St NW</Address>



      <ElementID i:nil="true"/>





      <ProgramName i:nil="true"/>

      <Region>Mid East</Region>


      <SchoolName>Howard University</SchoolName>



      <StateName>District Of Columbia</StateName>

      <StudentGraduated i:nil="true"/>

      <TotalEnrollment>10,000 - 19,999</TotalEnrollment>




      <Address i:nil="true"/>

      <City>College Park</City>


      <ElementID i:nil="true"/>





      <ProgramName i:nil="true"/>

      <Region>Mid East</Region>


      <SchoolName>University of Maryland-College Park</SchoolName>




      <StudentGraduated i:nil="true"/>

      <TotalEnrollment>20,000 and above</TotalEnrollment>




      <Address>2450 Crystal Dr.</Address>



      <ElementID i:nil="true"/>





      <ProgramName i:nil="true"/>



      <SchoolName>DeVry University-Virginia</SchoolName>




      <StudentGraduated i:nil="true"/>

      <TotalEnrollment>1,000 - 4,999</TotalEnrollment>





Response Parameters

Name Description Type
School Programs
School Name
School URL
State Abbreviation
State Name
IPEDS-defined region String
IPEDS-defined region code String
Total Enrollment
Not populated by this Web API. String
Not populated by this Web API. String
Not populated by this Web API. String
Not populated by this Web API. Object
Not populated by this Web API. Object
Name String
Value String
Record Count
Did You mean
Auto Correction
Location Count List
Undo List
Item String
Count Integer
Value String
Filter List
Item String
Count Integer
Value String
City Count List
Undo List
Item String
Count Integer
Value String
Filter List
Item String
Count Integer
Value String
Region Count List
Undo List
Item String
Count Integer
Value String
Filter List
Item String
Count Integer
Value String
Occupation Count List
Undo List
Item String
Count Integer
Value String
Filter List
Item String
Count Integer
Value String
Program Count List
Undo List
Item String
Count Integer
Value String
Filter List
Item String
Count Integer
Value String
Program Length Count List
Undo List
Item String
Count Integer
Value String
Filter List
Item String
Count Integer
Value String
Value is always S for this Web API String


Error/Status Code Description
OK / Success. The request went through successfully and there is a response body.
Bad Request (Request was invalid or missing parameters)
Unauthorized. This error occurs specifically when authentication is required and has failed or has not yet been provided correctly. (ex: Invalid API Token)
This error will be shown in two scenarios 1) Not found - (An error occurred) and 2) Not found - (No data available)
Internal Server Error. This error will occur when there is something critically wrong in the API call.