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Career Map Links

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Career Map Links

Career maps help people identify and visualize a variety of paths through various jobs, occupations, and functional areas within an industry, in the course of a career. Career paths have often been represented by ladders, illustrating jobs above and below each other in a straight line. Not all careers move only in one direction, however, and many people today try different jobs within an industry that may not all be in the same functional area. Careers are dynamic and a number of organizations have developed ways to depict this through interactive or animated career maps. Career maps display many of the different directions a career can follow within a given industry. They show how jobs or positions are connected, both above and below one another as well as side by side. Though not every career map looks the same, most provide an opportunity to look beyond a single job to view an entire career, while also providing useful descriptive information on each position, such as education required, salary, and job outlook and highlighting important features to make career progression clearer and more manageable.

The career maps below provide examples from several industries, such as energy and utilities, health care and social assistance, information technology, and manufacturing. Please keep in mind that some of these career maps are national in scope, while others are developed for and relevant only to certain states or regions. These career maps vary in the amount of information they offer and have been chosen as helpful and illustrative examples due to their content and presentation quality. Please see the resource database for additional examples of career maps. And check back, as new career maps may be posted here from time to time.

Providing links to these maps does not imply endorsement of the linked organizations, their views and/or the content of their websites nor does it guarantee accuracy and/or accessibility of the information contained on their websites on the part of the U.S. Department of Labor - Employment & Training Administration (ETA), its assignees, grantees or contractors.