Need help finding a job, changing careers, or getting the training you need to move ahead? Check out your local American Job Center. With locations across the country, American Job Centers offer a variety of free services for jobseekers whether you are entry-level or a seasoned professional. Most centers have a resource room with computers, printers and phones. You can access online job banks, resume software, and other job search resources.
You can learn about your local job market, work on your resume, apply for jobs, or complete other employment related activities. Often you can make an appointment to get personal assistance, to make a job search plan, finding training options, or learn about job openings. You can also find out if you qualify for special employment assistance for youth, veterans, persons with disabilities, or dislocated workers. Many centers offer free classes, job search workshops, and help to practice interviewing, set career goals, or get answers to questions or concerns you have about your career or job search. American Job Centers are also a great place to learn about other resources in your community.
Some centers can help you find out how to apply for SNAP food benefits, emergency funds, Medicaid, child care, and other types of assistance. Whatever your employment needs, make sure you tap into the free resources at your local American Job Center. In some states, centers may have a different name, but they offer similar services and are all sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor in partnership with state and local government. Find your nearest American Job Center by visiting