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Ambulance Drivers and Attendants, Except Emergency Medical Technicians Career Video

Description: Drive ambulance or assist ambulance driver in transporting sick, injured, or convalescent persons. Assist in lifting patients.

Video Transcript

Ambulance drivers and attendants drive vehicles and assist in transporting sick or injured people. Saving lives requires speed… but never at the cost of control. Drivers and attendants carefully move patients, place them on stretchers, and secure them in the vehicle. They must be ready to administer first aid, such as bandaging a wound or administering CPR to a person in distress. Many of these jobs do not come with flashing lights and sirens, however. People recovering from medical procedures, or who need help getting to and from medical appointments, are also taken care of by ambulance drivers and attendants. These workers often provide reassurance and help calm people in a high state of anxiety. Most candidates entering the field have a high school diploma or equivalent, although it’s not always required. Drivers must have a valid driver’s license, and many jobs require certifications such as Emergency Vehicle Operator, first aid, and CPR. Testing for drug or alcohol use occurs regularly. With additional education and training, an ambulance driver and attendant may become an emergency medical technician – or EMT. This is a job that requires physical strength and patience under pressure. Even though you might need to hurry, you can never rush.