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Career Videos

Amusement and Recreation Attendants Career Video

Description: Perform a variety of attending duties at amusement or recreation facility. May schedule use of recreation facilities, maintain and provide equipment to participants of sporting events or recreational pursuits, or operate amusement concessions and rides.

Video Transcript

At ski hills, bowling alleys, water slides, and golf courses, and other places people go for fun and sport, amusement and recreation attendants operate equipment and help guests enjoy themselves. Attendants sell tickets and collect fees from customers. They rent equipment such as go-karts, tennis rackets, and boats, and make sure customers know how to operate vehicles and equipment safely and properly. Many also operate concession stands, games, and rides, and make sure guests are safe and know the rules. Customer service skills are an important part of the job; attendants provide a lot of information about schedules, policies, and directions. They often encourage participation and purchases. Many are responsible for collecting attendance and totaling up receipts. Attendants also clean facilities and equipment, and keep them maintained, for example placing markings on sports fields, or smoothing ice at rinks after use. Some positions include scheduling the use of equipment and facilities. Attendants typically have no specific education or training requirements and do not require previous work experience.