When people in homes and offices hear a dreaded scratching in the walls or see something small and brown skitter across the floor, they are relieved to know a pest control worker is just a phone call away. Pest control workers remove unwanted creatures, such as roaches, rats, ants, bedbugs, and termites from homes, buildings, and surrounding areas. They typically inspect buildings for signs of pests, determine the treatment needed, and estimate the cost of their services for customers. Their methods include using traps, pesticides and power spraying-equipped trucks to remove or kill pests. There are 2 types of pest control workers: Pest control technicians identify pest problems, conduct inspections, and design strategies. They work directly with customers and use a limited range of pesticides. Applicators use a wider range of pesticides and handle more serious pests such as termites, as well as fumigating houses to treat large-scale infestations. Most pest control workers work full time, often including evenings and weekends. Overtime is common. A high school diploma or equivalent is usually required, and employers provide formal instruction and on-the-job training.
Pest Control Workers
$43,470/yr Across the U.S.
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