It takes a cool head under pressure to oversee workers on the front lines of safety and law enforcement, and that’s just a start on the list of job qualifications for supervisors of police and detectives, fire fighters, and correctional officers. Working in federal and state prisons or the local jail, correctional officer supervisors maintain discipline and security while observing all relevant rules, regulations, and laws. They oversee inmate counts and respond to emergencies as well as ensuring the safety of inmates. Supervisors of police and detectives coordinate the investigation of criminal cases, offer guidance and expertise to investigators, and ensure that proceedings are conducted in accordance with laws and regulations. They train staff in police procedures, resolve personnel problems such as charges of misconduct, and keep up with new techniques in law enforcement. Firefighting and prevention worker supervisors make firefighter assignments based on their assessment of the extent of a fire, risk to persons, surrounding conditions, and water supply status. They instruct and drill personnel in their duties, including medical care and hazardous materials response. Some also serve as lead firefighters. Workers in these fields may carry weapons and emergency equipment, and often have emergency medical training. Some work outdoors in all types of weather. All carry significant responsibility for others’ health and safety. Typical requirements for these positions include a high school diploma or equivalent, or related associate’s degree or technical training, and previous experience in the field.
First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives
$101,750/yr Across the U.S.
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