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Prosthodontists Career Video

Description: Diagnose, treat, rehabilitate, design, and fit prostheses that maintain oral function, health, and appearance for patients with clinical conditions associated with teeth, oral and maxillofacial tissues, or the jaw.

Video Transcript

Prosthodontists – a type of dentist – are like architects of the mouth; instead of designing buildings, they create plans and structures for peoples’ jaws and teeth. Whether a patient’s jaws or mouth were damaged by an accident or disease, or developed incorrectly, these professionals restore lost function and a healthy appearance. Many people have heard of dental crowns, bridges, and dentures. Prosthodontists use these and other structures to make it easier for patients to chew, speak, and smile! They must carefully measure a patient’s lower facial dimensions so any dental prosthetics or artificial parts fit comfortably. Prosthodontists may design and build prosthetics for patients or supervise their construction by dental technicians and lab workers. Prosthodontists often collaborate with other dentists and health care professionals to plan or provide treatment. They typically work full time. Prosthodontists typically need a doctoral degree from dental school, dentistry licensure, and three years of hands-on residency training. Candidates must also obtain specialty certification in prosthodontics. With so much education and training, your patients will know that you’ve had time to really… sink your teeth… into the latest industry developments.