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Insurance Appraisers, Auto Damage Career Video

Description: Appraise automobile or other vehicle damage to determine repair costs for insurance claim settlement. Prepare insurance forms to indicate repair cost or cost estimates and recommendations. May seek agreement with automotive repair shop on repair costs.

Video Transcript

When natural disaster strikes, or a car accident happens, insurance professionals are called in to help start putting the pieces back together. When people have an insurance policy for their health, home, or car, and they become injured or their property is damaged, they make a request —called a claim— for payment to cover their costs. Claims adjusters, appraisers, examiners, and investigators evaluate insurance claims, to decide whether an insurance company must pay a claim, and if so, how much. Appraisers estimate the cost or value of an insured item. Most are auto damage appraisers— they inspect damaged vehicles and estimate the cost of repairs. Adjusters inspect damaged real estate properties and automobiles to determine how much the insurance company should pay for the loss. They gather evidence and report it to examiners. Adjusters negotiate with the policyholder to arrive at a final payment amount for their claim. Claims examiners review claims to ensure guidelines are followed properly. They review health-related claims to determine whether to pay… deny… or refer a claim to an investigator. Insurance investigators handle potentially fraudulent claims or suspected criminal activity such as arson, staged accidents, or unnecessary medical treatments. Claims adjusters, examiners, and investigators spend time in the office, and out in the field to inspect damaged properties. Auto damage appraisers spend much of their time at automotive body shops to estimate repair costs. Entry-level claims adjusters, examiners, and investigators need a high school diploma or equivalent. Auto damage appraisers require either a certificate in the field, or work experience estimating the cost of car repairs.