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Wages for Buyers and Purchasing Agents in 21157

You’re seeing wages for Buyers and Purchasing Agents because we don’t have information for Wholesale and Retail Buyers, Except Farm Products.

Location Pay Period 2023
Low Median High
United States Hourly $21.00 $34.59 $58.50
United States Yearly $43,680 $71,950 $121,680
Maryland Hourly $22.76 $39.32 $66.41
Maryland Yearly $47,330 $81,780 $138,130
Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD Metro Area Hourly $22.29 $38.27 $64.62
Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD Metro Area Yearly $46,360 $79,600 $134,410

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Occupation Description
Wholesale and Retail Buyers, Except Farm Products

Buy merchandise or commodities, other than farm products, for resale to consumers at the wholesale or retail level, including both durable and nondurable goods. Analyze past buying trends, sales records, price, and quality of merchandise to determine value and yield. Select, order, and authorize payment for merchandise according to contractual agreements. May conduct meetings with sales personnel and introduce new products. May negotiate contracts. Includes assistant wholesale and retail buyers of nonfarm products. Excludes “Procurement Clerks”.

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