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Wages for Miscellaneous Assemblers and Fabricators in UTAH

You’re seeing wages for Miscellaneous Assemblers and Fabricators because we don’t have information for Team Assemblers.

Location Pay Period 2023
Low Median High
United States Hourly $14.44 $18.71 $28.77
United States Yearly $30,030 $38,920 $59,840
Utah Hourly $14.61 $18.51 $26.03
Utah Yearly $30,390 $38,490 $54,140
Ogden-Clearfield, UT Metro Area Hourly $16.04 $21.12 $24.59
Ogden-Clearfield, UT Metro Area Yearly $33,360 $43,930 $51,150
Eastern Utah Balance of State Hourly $13.79 $18.60 $28.78
Eastern Utah Balance of State Yearly $28,680 $38,690 $59,860
Salt Lake City, UT Metro Area Hourly $14.61 $18.22 $29.12
Salt Lake City, UT Metro Area Yearly $30,390 $37,890 $60,560
Provo-Orem, UT Metro Area Hourly $13.54 $17.73 $23.20
Provo-Orem, UT Metro Area Yearly $28,150 $36,880 $48,260
St. George, UT Metro Area Hourly $13.08 $17.28 $24.35
St. George, UT Metro Area Yearly $27,210 $35,940 $50,650
Logan, UT-ID Metro Area Hourly $13.95 $16.67 $22.86
Logan, UT-ID Metro Area Yearly $29,010 $34,680 $47,550
Central Utah Balance of State Hourly $13.50 $16.04 $23.76
Central Utah Balance of State Yearly $28,080 $33,360 $49,410

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Occupation Description
Team Assemblers

Work as part of a team having responsibility for assembling an entire product or component of a product. Team assemblers can perform all tasks conducted by the team in the assembly process and rotate through all or most of them, rather than being assigned to a specific task on a permanent basis. May participate in making management decisions affecting the work. Includes team leaders who work as part of the team. Assemblers who continuously perform the same task are classified elsewhere in 51-2000.

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