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Wages for Self-Enrichment Teachers in IDAHO

Location Pay Period 2023
Low Median High
United States Hourly $13.75 $21.79 $41.34
United States Yearly $28,600 $45,330 $85,980
Idaho Hourly $9.79 $16.03 $22.41
Idaho Yearly $20,370 $33,330 $46,600
Twin Falls, ID Metro Area Hourly $11.51 $18.42 $26.40
Twin Falls, ID Metro Area Yearly $23,930 $38,310 $54,910
Northwestern Idaho Balance of State Hourly $13.48 $17.48 $30.68
Northwestern Idaho Balance of State Yearly $28,040 $36,370 $63,820
Coeur d'Alene, ID Metro Area Hourly $11.00 $16.55 $27.52
Coeur d'Alene, ID Metro Area Yearly $22,890 $34,420 $57,240
Boise City, ID Metro Area Hourly $9.79 $16.51 $22.19
Boise City, ID Metro Area Yearly $20,370 $34,340 $46,140
Lewiston, ID-WA Metro Area Hourly $14.27 $16.45 $27.61
Lewiston, ID-WA Metro Area Yearly $29,680 $34,220 $57,430
Idaho Falls, ID Metro Area Hourly $10.72 $15.00 $22.17
Idaho Falls, ID Metro Area Yearly $22,310 $31,200 $46,100
Southeast-Central Idaho Balance of State Hourly $10.64 $14.81 $21.64
Southeast-Central Idaho Balance of State Yearly $22,130 $30,800 $45,020
Pocatello, ID Metro Area Hourly $11.01 $14.64 $24.78
Pocatello, ID Metro Area Yearly $22,890 $30,440 $51,540
Logan, UT-ID Metro Area Hourly $10.27 $14.27 $24.39
Logan, UT-ID Metro Area Yearly $21,360 $29,670 $50,740

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Occupation Description
Self-Enrichment Teachers

Teach or instruct individuals or groups for the primary purpose of self-enrichment or recreation, rather than for an occupational objective, educational attainment, competition, or fitness. Excludes “Coaches and Scouts” and “Exercise Trainers and Group Fitness Instructors”. Flight instructors are included with “Aircraft Pilots and Flight Engineers”.

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