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Wages for School Psychologists in 21157

Location Pay Period 2023
Low Median High
United States Hourly $28.48 $40.84 $63.21
United States Yearly $59,250 $84,940 $131,470
Maryland Hourly $30.62 $47.29 $60.31
Maryland Yearly $63,690 $98,370 $125,450
Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD Metro Area Hourly $28.33 $47.28 $60.27
Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD Metro Area Yearly $58,920 $98,350 $125,360

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Occupation Description
School Psychologists

Diagnose and implement individual or schoolwide interventions or strategies to address educational, behavioral, or developmental issues that adversely impact educational functioning in a school. May address student learning and behavioral problems and counsel students or families. May design and implement performance plans, and evaluate performance. May consult with other school-based personnel.

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