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Wages for Rehabilitation Counselors in WYOMING

Location Pay Period 2023
Low Median High
United States Hourly $15.09 $21.17 $35.44
United States Yearly $31,390 $44,040 $73,710
Wyoming Hourly $14.78 $27.33 $33.90
Wyoming Yearly $30,740 $56,850 $70,500
Western Wyoming Balance of State Hourly $20.13 $28.97 $33.65
Western Wyoming Balance of State Yearly $41,870 $60,260 $69,990
Casper, WY Metro Area Hourly N/A N/A N/A
Casper, WY Metro Area Yearly N/A N/A N/A
Cheyenne, WY Metro Area Hourly N/A N/A N/A
Cheyenne, WY Metro Area Yearly N/A N/A N/A
Eastern Wyoming Balance of State Hourly N/A N/A N/A
Eastern Wyoming Balance of State Yearly N/A N/A N/A

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Occupation Description
Rehabilitation Counselors

Counsel individuals to maximize the independence and employability of persons coping with personal, social, and vocational difficulties that result from birth defects, illness, disease, accidents, aging, or the stress of daily life. Coordinate activities for residents of care and treatment facilities. Assess client needs and design and implement rehabilitation programs that may include personal and vocational counseling, training, and job placement. Excludes “Occupational Therapists”.

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