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Wages for Geographers in 21157

Location Pay Period 2023
Low Median High
United States Hourly $28.78 $43.69 $61.03
United States Yearly $59,850 $90,880 $126,940
Maryland Hourly $31.02 $49.81 $61.03
Maryland Yearly $64,510 $103,600 $126,940
Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD Metro Area Hourly $31.01 $37.78 $55.85
Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD Metro Area Yearly $64,490 $78,580 $116,170

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Occupation Description

Study the nature and use of areas of the Earth’s surface, relating and interpreting interactions of physical and cultural phenomena. Conduct research on physical aspects of a region, including land forms, climates, soils, plants, and animals, and conduct research on the spatial implications of human activities within a given area, including social characteristics, economic activities, and political organization, as well as researching interdependence between regions at scales ranging from local to global.

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