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Wages for Agricultural Technicians in 21157

Location Pay Period 2023
Low Median High
United States Hourly $14.79 $20.76 $31.47
United States Yearly $30,750 $43,180 $65,470
Maryland Hourly $19.71 $25.68 $33.69
Maryland Yearly $40,990 $53,420 $70,080
Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD Metro Area Hourly $22.56 $28.49 $43.19
Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD Metro Area Yearly $46,920 $59,250 $89,830

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Occupation Description
Agricultural Technicians

Work with agricultural scientists in plant, fiber, and animal research, or assist with animal breeding and nutrition. Set up or maintain laboratory equipment and collect samples from crops or animals. Prepare specimens or record data to assist scientists in biology or related life science experiments. Conduct tests and experiments to improve yield and quality of crops or to increase the resistance of plants and animals to disease or insects.

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