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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Leakey Foundation Research Grants
Leakey Foundation
1003B O'Reilly Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94129
Phone Number (415)561-4646
Level of Study Graduate Degree
Award Type Grant
Purpose To support research related specifically to human origins.
Focus Anthropology.
Qualifications Applicants must be advanced doctoral students (advanced to candidacy – all but dissertation) and established scientists are eligible for Leakey Foundation Research Grants; there are no citizenship restrictions; however, all applications must be written in English.
Criteria Recipients will be selected based on submitted research. Priority of funding will be given to applicants whose research project meets the stated purpose of the Foundation.
Funds $3,000
Duration Annual.
To Apply Applicants must complete the application form; application must be written in English and it should be submitted in PDF format.
Deadline January 10; July 15.
Contact The Leakey Foundation, 1003B O'Reilly Ave., San Francisco, CA, 94129-1359; phone: 415-561-4646; Fax: 415-561-4647; Email:
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