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Work Values Matcher

Work Values Matcher

Value: Achievement

Careers that feature the value of Achievement

To express a value for Achievement, look for jobs that let you use your best abilities and give you a feeling of accomplishment. Explore work that allows you to see the results of your efforts.

A position or workplace where Achievement is featured often has these qualities:

  • Workers have an opportunity to see the results of their efforts.
  • Managers encourage workers to take on new tasks and expand their responsibilities.
  • Employee initiative and innovation is welcomed.
  • With management support, employees are able to share their best skills and experience, whether in their daily tasks, or special project, committee work, or temporary assignment.
  • Throughout the course of their career at the organization, employees meet new challenges.
  • Employees are encouraged to take training or further their education.
  • The organization is innovative. It incorporates new methods, uses leading edge technology, and continually updates approaches.
  • The work environment may be fast-paced or there may be deadlines and pressure to produce results.
  • Employees have the potential to earn more through their personal effort.

How to learn about the company’s values

For employer research or informational interviews, use these questions to learn how the employer views Achievement.

  • How would you describe the pace of work in the organization?
  • How do you see technology influencing or changing the ways that work is done in the organization? Could you describe some examples?
  • What aspects of innovation and initiative do you see particularly valued in the organization?
  • Would you describe the work culture in general? I'm especially curious about whether the organization values cross training or provides employees with different work opportunities within the organization.

For job interviews, these questions will help clarify opportunities to express your value for Achievement.

  • Could you describe the opportunities for learning new skills and meeting new challenges, once I’ve gained mastery of the initial requirements of the position?
  • How do you see this position interacting with technology, now and in the future?
  • What kinds of opportunities could you see to work across teams or participate in projects that influence the broader organization?
  • (Once a job offer is made) As I gain competence in the role, would there be opportunities to increase my salary?