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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Bill Dickey Scholarship Association Scholarship
Bill Dickey Scholarship Association
PO Box 67297
Phoenix, AZ 85082
Phone Number (602)258-7851
Level of Study Bachelor's Degree
High School
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To provide financial support to deserving undergraduate students.
Focus General studies/Field of study not specified.
Qualifications Applicants must be school and college students; must pursue an undergraduate degree at a college or university of their choice; must be accepted to a college or university within the U.S; must be a U.S. citizen; must be students must maintain a 2.5 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) on a term and cumulative basis; must be students may pursue an undergraduate degree at a college of university of their choice.
Criteria Selection will be based on following
Funds $14,000
Duration Annual; up to 4 years.
Number of Awards 1.
To Apply Applications can be submitted online; must provide official transcript; essay must be a minimum of 500 words and it must be typed and double-spaced, no exceptions; additional pages to application; two personal reference forms should be completed by your high school principal, guidance counselor or other professional(s) who are knowledgeable of your: (a) academic record, (b) potential for successful college level academic immersion, (c) history of active participation in golf and (d) financial need; all uploaded files must be smaller than 3MB each; essay (uploaded below as doc or pdf); one photo head shot in high resolution (at least 1200 pixels wide and uploaded below as jpg, gif, png or pdf).
Deadline June 19.
Contact BDSA office, Phone: 602-258-7851.
For more information
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