Believe it or not, talking to people you know is one of the most common ways to land a job. And guess what? Talking to people you know is networking. Your network includes friends, family, teachers, neighbors, former co-workers, volunteer supervisors, and anyone else you know, and the people they know. Together, all these people create a big group who can help you find out about a job.

Start by making a list of who is in your network, and then make a plan to get in touch with some people on your list every day. When you ask for their help, you could also ask how you could be helpful to them. You are also part of their network.

How can you use networking?

Call or email to ask for a time to talk. Introduce yourself, how you got their contact information, if someone referred you to them, and the kind of work you are looking for, and what some of your skills are. Then ask for help or advice, such as: