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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Tom Cory Scholarships
Architectural Precast Association
325 John Knox Rd., Ste. L103
Tallahassee, FL 32303
Phone Number (850)205-5637
Level of Study Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To provide financial assistance for architecture students.
Focus Architecture.
Qualifications Applicants must be a college junior, senior or graduate student with a cumulative G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher; must maintain a 3.0 G.P.A. during scholarship period; must continue education in pursuit of an architectural degree (architect, landscape, or architectural engineering); must have at least two semesters of school left to complete from date of award; both Undergraduate and Graduate levels are acceptable; must be involved in activities related to the their field.
Criteria Recipients are selected based on academic merit and committee's review of the application.
Funds $2,000
Duration Annual.
Number of Awards 1.
To Apply Applicants must be submit a scholarship Application (below); a transcript of two years college through the last grading period prior to the date of application; a typed description of your career plans after graduation; a typed essay (essay 1) explaining why you chose this career; a typed essay (essay 2) of 300 – 500 words on a topic of your choice related to the precast concrete industry; a letter of recommendation from a faculty member of your College or University.
Deadline June 31.
Contact Architectural Precast Association, 325 John Knox Road, Suite L103, Tallahassee, Florida 32303; P: 850-205-5637; F: 850-222-3019; Email:
For more information
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