Banner: Employment Network Finder

Employment Network Finder

Employment Networks Finder
If you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Employment Networks can help you with free career counseling, job placement, and then ongoing support once you have started working.

If you think you are ready to return to work or make more money at a job you already have, you should contact several EN’s who provide the services you need until you find the right one for you.

Please note: The Employment Network Finder will show you the Employment Network locations closest to you. You may also get assistance by phone or email from other locations—some may even have offices not listed in this directory. Visit Ticket to Work Find Help to search for specific services and more locations.
Below is a list of the Employment Networks closest to your location.

Use the phone numbers or websites listed to contact any organization. Search in a different area by typing a new location into the box and clicking “Search.”
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