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CareerOneStop Connections

Work Values Image

New on CareerOneStop: Work Values Matcher

CareerOneStop is excited to announce the new Work Values Matcher—a quick online card sort that helps users think through the aspects of work they most value. This simple exercise, based on O*NET Work Values data, can help career explorers select a field that matches their values, and help job seekers identify employers and workplaces that share similar values.

The Work Values Matcher asks users to rank 20 statements about work values and then shows them:

  • How their rankings relate to the six core work values (Achievement, Independence, Recognition, Relationships, Support, and Working Conditions)
  • For each of the six values, users will find a list of careers that often offer work opportunities reflecting that value.
  • Sample questions to ask during employer research or job interviews, to help identify workplaces that fit their values
Cluster Videos Image

New career cluster videos

CareerOneStop recently released a set of 16 videos highlighting these popular career clusters:

  • Construction
  • Energy
  • Finance and Insurance
  • Health care
  • Hospitality and Tourism
  • Manufacturing
  • Telecommunications
  • Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics

Visit Career cluster / Industry Videos and you’ll find two videos for each of the above career clusters:

  • Overview videos introduce the career cluster/industry, including current trends and projections for future developments in the industry
  • Careers videos highlight careers available at different levels of education in that cluster, along with unique features of working in that industry

Featured tool

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Resume Guide

CareerOneStop's Resume Guide will help you create a resume that will stand out in today’s job market.

Coming Soon!

What's CareerOneStop working on next?

  • Updated License Finder

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