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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Buck Bragunier Leadership Scholarship
Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association San Diego
PO Box 80666
San Diego, CA 92138-0666
Level of Study Graduate Degree
High School
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To honor Buck’s memory and unique contributions to the San Diego Chapter of AFCEA.
Focus Computer and information sciences; Engineering; Mathematics and mathematical sciences; Natural sciences; Science.
Qualifications Applicants must be U.S. citizens and residents of San Diego county; high school seniors with a record of leadership and volunteering activities during high school, church, and community; must have GPA of at least 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale; acceptance to and eventual attendance at an accredited four-year college or University in the United States; major in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math curriculum.
Criteria Selection will be based on records of leadership and volunteering activities within the high school, church, community which are the focuses of the program.
Funds $2,000
Duration Annual.
Number of Awards 1.
To Apply Applicants must submit application form; submit include copy of college/university acceptance letter; copy of the Financial Aid Award letter from your selected college/university; copy of your SAT/ACT scores; copy of current transcripts; letter of recommendation from a teacher, counselor, sports coach, research advisor, or school administrator who knows your leadership ability and community service; essay (maximum 500 words); completed application must be returned with these supporting documents in PDF format.
Deadline June 5.
Contact Gloria McKearney, Scholarship Chair, Email:
For more information
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