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Work Values Matcher

Work Values Matcher

Value: Independence

Careers that feature the value of Independence

To express a value for Independence, look for jobs that allow you to use your own initiative. Explore work where you can make decisions on your own.

A position or workplace where Independence is featured often has these qualities:

  • Employees are able to determine the best approach for a project or task.
  • Employees are supported or even expected to use creativity to problem-solve challenges.
  • The organization provides clear direction or goals for workers, but then lets the workers manage their own time.
  • Workers feel empowered to resolve issues and complaints on their own.
  • Employees’ input is invited and welcomed by co-workers and managers.
  • The employer listens to employee ideas and provides feedback.
  • Employees (in roles like yours) operate with little or no supervision.
  • Risk taking is considered part of the work culture.
  • Working from home / flexible hours may be part of the organization’s approach.

How to learn about the company’s values

For employer research or informational interviews, use these questions to learn how the employer views Independence.

  • How would you describe the organization’s approach to risk taking?
  • In your experience, how does the organization view individual initiative to solve problems?
  • Do you find the organization open to employee input? Could you describe any channels the organization has for soliciting employee input?

For job interviews, these questions will help clarify opportunities to express your value for Independence.

  • How would you describe your supervision style with employees?
  • How do you prefer employees handle issues and problems that come up?
  • Could you describe the level of autonomy in this position?
  • I’m wondering what opportunities there might be for taking initiative in this role. Could you comment on that?